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10-5-2013 03:51:18  #1

Wish lists

Here's mine:

Olympia SM4.
Alpina - any from the 1950s or 1960s.
Smith-Corona Silent Super.

Reasons: All 'portable' & reported to be superb typers - that's my goal.  Any you'd add to my list? - or remove?


10-5-2013 07:13:23  #2

Re: Wish lists

Royal Portable.
Royal Model O. 
Remington 3 portable.
Remington 2 portable.
Remington 5 portable streamline. 

"Not Yet Published" - My History Blog
"I just sit at a typewriter and curse a bit" - Sir Pelham Grenville "P.G." Wodehouse
"The biggest obstacle to professional writing is the necessity for changing a typewriter ribbon" - Robert Benchley

31-3-2016 21:11:52  #3

Re: Wish lists

Alpina :  I've never seen one, or even heard of one, until here, and I'm very curious.  I've seen pictures and from what I have seen, they've only made a portable--no upright or electric.  But I'd still love to see one and look at how it works inside.  I hear they're very superior machines.

Olympia SM series:  Again, another superior machine.  Had a chance to buy one, but it was a little rich for my blood.

Anything foreign or domestic I haven't seen before--even if it's such a pile of junk it was never useful, even when new.  I'd just like to study it.  Wouldn't that be something--the Yugo of typewriterdom.  


Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

31-3-2016 21:26:44  #4

Re: Wish lists

Oly SM's are excellent, and I can say that with confidence. Both my SM-9's and SM-4 are among the best in my collection. If you really want one, comb ebay or craigslist every so often and one for a reasonable price is bound to show up eventually. Though ebay can be risky due to shipping. 

(also where I live, it's pretty much the reverse for me. I keep finding foreign typewriters, and the only American brands I can find are Royals [where there are a lot of] and SC portables. Perhaps my luck will hold out for spring break...)

A high schooler with a lot of typewriters. That's pretty much about it.

01-4-2016 14:32:45  #5

Re: Wish lists

Ahh, the Alpina... well I had one and I let it get away. (But it virtually paid for Christmas.) It was not only ineffably, gloriously beautiful, it was an amazing typer. What can I say.

My wish list? Hmm. I'd like a pica 3000. I said this once and Richard 
Polt sent me a link to one on eBay in the UK, and it didn't even go fro all that much, in the scheme of things. But timing, the secret of comedy. I just didn't have the cash.

I'm still VERY CROSS re the Princess 300, which - just as I was deciding I really loved it - suddenly broke, the margin-sto
p bar or whatever it is is stuck and the type bars won't reach the platen. I was trying to work this out and then the drawband came off and I can't work out how it attaches. I then spent a stupid amount of money on a Scheidegger one for comparison - thinking to sell it on almost immediately - only to find that it had the exact same issue. And THAT one, one day when I was trying to get a good look underneath, suddenly sprang apart!! The carriage just kept going to the end and came off, I was showered in ball bearings, and then the whole thing just seemed to pop apart into a million pieces. Okay, probably not a million. 

So a working 
Princess is atop the list but I'm damned if I'm messing with any more machines I haven't actually seen with my own eyes.

For some reason I am kind of hankering after one of those salmon-
pink-&-cream 1960s Travel Riters - I let one get away recently - why do I want one, I don;t really know. Not so keen on the grey one, though it's also nice.

Like you Beak I am all about the using them. Not interested in anything that isn't going to be a trouper, really... I'm greedy for Gromas and would like a pica Olympia, too... but really. I have too many typewriters as it is. 


02-4-2016 20:50:31  #6

Re: Wish lists

Sorry to hear about the Princess Problems - must be a ROYAL pain, haha!  Hopefully you can either get the current one sorted or find a nice one locally.  Sometimes you get the feeling a machine just isn't meant to be...

As far as machines on my wish list go, here are a few I'd like to try out at some point:

- Royal 10  (In my mind, *the* archetypal old standard typewriter, plus I love the glass sides!)
- An Oliver of some sort  (I like how the typebars swoop down, it looks fairly unique, mechanically)
- Underwood De Luxe Quiet Tab (I love 1950s car design, and I've never owned an Underwood before, so why not start here?)

Up until last week an Olympia SG1 would have been on that list, but on the good advice of several people here I decided to take the plunge.  I recently found one online for a good to-my-door price and am waiting for it to arrive hopefully some time this week.  I know there are inherent risks in shipping a standard, but my communication with the seller was positive as far as making sure it was adequately packed.  Either way, it's out of my hands now.


06-4-2016 05:29:18  #7

Re: Wish lists

An Olympia SG-1 is also on my list based solely on its reputation and appearance from pictures (I've never been up close to one).  I should at least find one to test first to see if I like the feel.  

Originally, I was more keen on an SG-3 because I *think* that's what I learned to type on (i.e., a sentimental purchase).  But I like the styling of the SG-1 more.  

I'm also contemplating a Noiseless because of its funky look.  


06-4-2016 09:17:41  #8

Re: Wish lists

Ampelmann wrote:

Sorry to hear about the Princess Problems - must be a ROYAL pain, haha!  Hopefully you can either get the current one sorted or find a nice one locally.  Sometimes you get the feeling a machine just isn't meant to be...

Well I've GOT them now!  One of them is just crazy-making but the other one can be fixed easily enough, whether that means recovering my nerve and patience with it, or getting some cash together and taking it to typewriterman. Tbh the crazy one if fixed could still be sold. I'm not buying any more of the buggers though.


06-4-2016 09:21:30  #9

Re: Wish lists

Oh, and Ampelmann, I'm no expert but I was like you and wanted to try an Underwood. I got a De Luxe Quiet Tab, a stupidly pretty one with a GOLD front - and tbh the touch was really not good. I sold it. Because it was so pretty I sold it for a reasonable whack, the week before XMas, but as a typer? Not so much. Other people may have got a better one than me - but this machine was in gorgeous condition inside and out, so it wasn't that.The keys felt, strangely, a little bit like typing with love hearts. 


08-4-2016 09:44:44  #10

Re: Wish lists

That's unfortunate to hear about the Underwood - thanks for the heads-up.  But they really DO look pretty don't they?  I saw the photos of Spazmelda's machine in the Recent Acquisitions thread - tasty!  But bearing what you said in mind, I'd probably still try one at some point, but if it types poorly you're right... it's looks will fetch a decent sale price. 


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