I figured that it would be better if I waited a bit to ask this to see if simple cleaning would be the solution. However, after about two weeks, I've decided to just go ahead and ask.
The carriage rack on my Underwood SS is a bit off since I got it. It doesn't stay in place as well as it should, which by that I mean it will sometimes skip and rub against the pinion of the escapement. To combat this, I just used a rubber band to hold it back in place, like an extra spring. Now, it should be said that I mentioned in the Recent Acquisition thread that the typewriter was shipped to me without a box and in plastic wrap. This, of couse, bent countless things an gave me quite a scare. I think this may pertain to the right hand carriage release lever because when pushed down, I can hear the rack rubbing against the pinion while when the left CR lever is pulled, it glides like normal. Is this a matter of bending something back into place? (because I've tried that). Or is it something much, much worse?
Bad news. Apparently the root of this problem is a huge crack in the right side of the carriage. Here what it looks like:
The typewriter must have been damaged during shipment because it came without a box, so a hard landing is the most likely of reasons. Is there a way to fix this? I really don't want to scrap this typewriter because I've put so much work into it and it's starting to feel very nice. The only reason that I haven't noticed, is because of some screws that keep it partly together, but there's still some give.
You could either glue it together, orfind a replacmenton ebay.
Glue seems like a temporary fix and where would I find a 15 inch carriage?
Glue? That's not a very good idea unless you use a specialty metal bonding adhesive; it is cast metal after all. Is the arm actually split in two, or does it just have a crack part way through it? I'd be inclined to have it properly welded at a local metal shop - it's not a easy job - but that would require stripping down the carriage first.
It's cracked all the way through. It hasn't immediately affected the performance of the typewriter, but I'm worried that if prolonged, it will end up doing a lot of harm in the long run.
Difficult to see in the picture, but does the casting have enough 'meat' in it to be able to drill and tap a couple of holes so that the two halves can be permanently screwed together ? If so, and the break is clean and recent, you could finish off with a layer of epoxy resin applied to both surfaces of the crack as you finally screw the halves back together. Otherwise, perhaps you can find a truly awful parts machine cheaply on e-bay from which you can take what you need.
Theres this glue that someone on here used on their blog for a broken fox typewriter. Its like a really strong metal glue.
As for welding, you would not have to strip down much anything, but the levers on the side of the carriage thats broken. I know how to weld. You would only be welding the two parts together, and then you could (ALthough it may be more expensive) have the person grind of the raised weld, so its flat.
^ Yes, thats what it was!