I just got my first manual typewriter, a Remington Quiet Riter, and it's in pretty good shape. However, it appears to be in pretty bad need of an alignment. The upper case letters all hit about 2/3 of a character higher than the lower case ones and it chops off the tops of the capital letters.
(please let me know if the links don't work. The Photobucket image editor was not feeling friendly enough to let me resize and embed them)
I read the article on about vertical alignments and, alas, munk noted in the comments that he doesn't do much work on Remington portables and so did not know where the adjustment screws are on it. I've prodded at the bottom of this thing for a few hours, and there are a lot of screws. If my research is correct, the alignment screws should be somewhere in this area, right below the carriage.
I've tried messing with a few of them at random and have learned that wow, typewriters do not respond well when you do that. So, lesson learned. I'd love to not break this poor thing, so if anyone knows where the sweet spot is for fixing the capital letters, I'd be super grateful.
Which generation of Quiet-Riter are you working on? If you're not sure, the serial number would help.
I'm afraid I don't know the year of the typewriter. The serial number, though, is QR3501862.
wurdsmith wrote:
I'm afraid I don't know the year of the typewriter. The serial number, though, is QR3501862.
Okay, 2nd generation model, manufactured Dec. '57. I have a few in storage, so if in the interim no one posts explicit instructions, I'll dig one out and post what you'll need to do.
Thanks, any help would be awesome. I invested in a nut driver to check the three pieces in the second photo with locknuts on them, but wasn't able to get any change in the alignment of the text. That was about the extent of my ideas.
Update, so I don't waste anyone's time: I asked the seller, who cleaned and oiled the machine, about the alignment and she was able to point me to a pair of screws under the cover of the typewriter, just behind the ribbon spools. I adjusted these and could actually see the row of fingers moving as I did. But it had no impact at all on how the capital letters are hitting. Could this be something other than the vertical alignment being off?
Did you ever get an answer to your upper/lower case alignment problem on your Quiet-Riter? I recently acquired a Remington Quiet-Riter, QR2843836 serial number, which I'm guessing might be 1956 (anybody know for sure?). Amazingly, it has no problems, except perhaps the platen is a bit hard and it needs a little dust blown out.
I know how to align the upper/lower case on my Smith Corona late '50s early '60s machines, so it would be nice to know how to do this on the Quiet-Riter, even if I don't currently need it.
By the way, YouTube has a fun TV commercial on the Quiet-Riter from 1958. At YouTube search: Remington "Quiet-Riter" typewriter commercial (1958)
Hey folks I too have just gotten a 1956 Remington Quiet-Riter and was wondering if any one knows how to adjust the type alignment ? Some of my lower case letters are typing a bit lower than others. The "a" in particular but it also looks like others are a bit quirky. Is this just something I have to live with ? Thanks for any assistance with these questions.
The screws for the alignment are located in the bottom of the machine, on the left side of the main frame panel. I don’t have one on hand, but if you send me a photo of the bottom of your machine, I’ll circle them.
If only certain of the lower case letter are typing low, then I'm not sure a general alignment adjustment, as Lucas Dul is referring to, will do the trick. You may need to tweak adjust each offending typebar, and that's tough to do without special pliers made for this adjustment. (On the other hand, if the capitals and the lower case are not even with each other, then the adjustment he's referring to, known as the motion adjustment, is called for. Check and see how H and h line up.)