Heya folks, I made a video to try and describe whats going on, I know I said I gave it a good cleaning but I'm starting to think it's not possible to truly clean it without getting the carriage off, which I can't seem to figure out off the bat. Any ideas can help, she is in great shape and been stored for 20 years so I'm pretty confident I can revive her!
From the video, I maddest how when you type a letter, the carriage doesn't move. Is that right?
Looks like you need to degrease and clean the carriage rails. I doubt its an escapement issue, since its only like 50 years old, but it could be. Can you move the carriage manually (Push on one end)?
Yep, the carriage moves freely when I push it to one side and also quite smoothly when the carriage release in engaged.
If I put pressure on the carriage while I type it still gets stuck on something and only a slight nudge backwards will allow it to reset
I believe that would be an escapement issue then. Now is it only in one spot, the entire carriage run, every 5 spaces, etc?
It's seemingly random, just about every single time I press the space key it gets snagged and slightly less often with letters but only if I'm really using a lot of force on the keys. It's as though when I really give it some vigor the escapement won't stick as often.
I would just make sure that it's not dust, dirt, or grime that's causing the problem with the escapement. Take some denatured alcohol (or meths/mineral spirits depending on where you are) and a toothbrush or some Q-Tips and just clean the escapement a little bit just to be sure that it's not a simple fix. It would be quite terrible if you spent all this time trying to make adjustments only to find out an eraser crumb was just jammed in there.
If it is an escapement issue, then maybe someone with knowledge of Remingtons could help.
If its only doing it randomly, then zTyper is right then.
ztyper wrote:
I would just make sure that it's not dust, dirt, or grime that's causing the problem with the escapement. Take some denatured alcohol (or meths/mineral spirits depending on where you are) and a toothbrush or some Q-Tips and just clean the escapement a little bit just to be sure that it's not a simple fix. It would be quite terrible if you spent all this time trying to make adjustments only to find out an eraser crumb was just jammed in there.
If it is an escapement issue, then maybe someone with knowledge of Remingtons could help.
I'm really thinking it just needs a great clean but I can't get in far enough to clean the escapement gears (they do look like they have gunk in the ridges of the teeth). I've been messing around with it trying to find a way to expose the escapement but can't seem to figure out how to get the carriage off and I'm pretty nervous about messing with disassembly as so much of it is connected. I'll keep searching online for some clues, Thanks!
I would really not advise you to take off the carriage. I would give it a dunk cleaning, since its not that old or rare, and it will clean all of those hard to reach places. Let me find the dunk cleaning thread...