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09-2-2016 13:27:36  #1

Is a Charger worth the effort?

A while back I got a mostly minty Charger 11, and recently decided to clean it up and get it working. The most persistent issue is that the type bars on a few keys don't return to the rest. Other than that it is in good shape and is mechanically sound. The question is should I keep working on it, or should I just sell it As-Is and put the money towards a more solid machine?


09-2-2016 13:46:01  #2

Re: Is a Charger worth the effort?

The Brother Charger (11, or 22), although manufactured to be a budget-minded typewriter, is a solid machine. The issue you described doesn't sound to be a very serious one, and could possibly be remedied by a more thorough cleaning or a minor adjustment. Is it worth it? I think so - absolutely - but then again I think most typewriters are worth investing time in to restore full functionality. Specifically, I like the Charger (and other Brother portables) a lot and find them nice to type with, so if I was in your place I'd spend more time on it and enjoy using it.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

09-2-2016 15:49:40  #3

Re: Is a Charger worth the effort?

If you want a typewriter, I would say go for fixing it! Sticky keys is not a major issue. Usually I place the typewriter on a white plastic tray, and spray degreaser in the type segment until there is no more brown liquid dripping out (Its old grease). This method works about 90% of the time, and the rest is manual cleaning, with a QTip.

Back from a long break.

Starting fresh with my favorite typer. A Royal Futura!

09-2-2016 16:30:49  #4

Re: Is a Charger worth the effort?

The bigger issue is the E and the L typebar does not go all the way back to the rest. I suspect the link bar is bent...

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