Uwe, in my job as an editor I've edited more than enough manuscripts where the writer has said exactly the opposite of what they meant. I really think the last thing anyone thinks about is what the words actually say! It's sound and fury signifying nothing...
ztyper wrote:
TypewriterKing wrote:
Remington l25
A true typewriter user right here...
I wasn't too sure what you were talking about, and then it dawned on me that it looks like I was typing 125, using the letter l for a 1. Yes, you'd be right more often than not because I have the habit of using the letter l for a 1. I also double-space after every sentence, which is another thing typists do. People who mainly use computers only space once after every sentence. So yes, I often use a computer like it was a typewriter.
Uwe wrote:
Can you tell that I'm a big fan of the Futura models?
I'm glad that you are, Uwe! The lone dissenting voice, it would seem I certainly find them visually lovely. It doesn't seem like there are any in Australia so I doubt I'll encounter one for many years.
Anyway, I'm glad you could all have a chuckle along with me at this!
Even more strangely, I just saw that in the Q&A section someone asked:
Could you post a type sample for this machine. I wouldn't ask, but in the description, the unique typeface is mentioned a couple of times. Thanks! Dave
And somewhat perplexingly they answered:
We appreciate your interest. We acquired the type writer and did not type on it, when we found out that it does not have LAN or WiFi connectivity. Please rest assured in our full refund policy, including refunding your shipping should you have any other problems with it than that.
To me this suggests a level of wit at odds with someone who didn't even check what they pasted into the description. Unless they are being serious about the LAN/WiFi!
It shall remain a mystery, I guess