I bought a Groma Kolibri Luxus (serial no A14811) which has some issues but this is the most severe one: the D key does not return. I cleaned the machine with solvent, so grease is not the problem. It seems to be that - sorry about the clumsy description, I am lacking the correct terminology - the problem is not within the segment, but it stucks somewhere else. When you press the key, the metal goes through 2 combs with fins which I guess restrict the movement of the key horizontally. And this is where the friction is. So at least one of those fins seems to be slightly warped. When I put in a screwdriver to widen the fins around the key, the key works again, but then the other keys around get stuck.
Anybody had something similar or any ideas how to solve it?
Here is a picture for illustration although it is not from the concerned Kolibri but from my second machine (serial number 596393).
Either the gap in the combs for the "D" key is too narrow, or the linkage for the "D" key is twisted, making it too wide for the comb gap. Too narrow of a gap could be caused by one of the metal pieces being slightly bent to one side.
There are also two such sets of combs, so if the "D" key linkage is bent, it could be rubbing on one of the gaps but not the other.
There's also the pivot point for the linkage behind both sets of combs. Make certain you've adequately degreased and cleaned this pivot.
Subtle adjustments are often critical. I have had to deal with bent comb teeth and the trick is to make small adjustments with a goal of making sure that all are absolutely parallel to each other. If increasing the gap for the D key worked, but then effected others, then odds are the adjustment you made was too great, or because you used adjacent teeth for leverage with your screwdriver, that you now bent those out of shape. Patience, and small adjustments; you'll get it.
Also, you say you 'cleaned the machine with solvent' - but I wouldn't think grease, per se, would be the problem anyway. Dust might, or ink, or nicotine... I would do both sides of each comb with white spirit and cotton buds, and keep going till the cotton buds come back clean. Uwe's right though - infinitesimal adjustments - and don't go crazy and start trying to compensate by adjusting other things! The least necessary intervention to get it back to the right width... Funny, the one time when I've had this exact problem was also on a Kolibri, but not on the D. It was iirc the shift slot... Works a treat now.
Thanks all for your expert advice - it worked!
Now I have to fix the other minor issues. I will open a separate thread, if necessary.
Thanks again!!