Hey all! So, on a trip home to see my family my sister and I made a stop at on of those big antique malls where I found a Smith-Corona Tower typewriter in it's case. (We were searching for cases which was why this one got pulled out of the corner and opened.) It came complete with manual, typewriter brush, and key, as well as some typing paper.
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This was on the back of it. Anyone wager a guess on when it was made?
We can tell you the exact year from the serial number. Open the ribbon cover and look at the frame between the right ribbon spool and the keyboard (on later models it's on the other side) and you'll see a number stamped there. It should begin with a '4'. My guess is that it was made between 1946 and 1949.
Nice! Once I get my kids off to school I will look.
I found the serial number thankfully near the front.
It seems that there's something amiss with that number. Are you positive that the letter 'T' is in it? There should (normally) be a number, not a letter there, and most likely a '1'. It's possible that Smith-Corona used a different series of numbers for private label models, but I know that later generation ones used standard serial numbers, which is why this is a little odd.
Once I get the lever to bend right so I can open the cover I will get a picture of it. The number that I am looking at looks like it has a T in it. Maybe I am looking at the wrong spot... Not certain though.
No, I'm sure you're looking in the right spot as the rest of the number makes perfect sense, and as I stated previously, it should begin with a '4'. I forgot that you would be trying to look through the ribbon cover opening, so yes, it's best to wait until you've fixed the carriage lock first.
I finally got the lever to move so I was able to get a picture of the serial number.
Thank you so much for all of your help with this. I would have given up already without your help.
You're welcome!
Interesting serial number, and it looks like it was used specifically for Sears (Tower) private label machines.
Your typewriter is definitely a 4-series Smith-Corona portable, the serial number supports this, which were sold under the Smith-Corona name between '45 and '49. The colours used for the case and the keys of your typewriter are very telling as that combination was first used by Smith-Corona in '49 for the Skyriters and new 5-series portables.
If I had to take an educated guess, I'd say your Tower was made between '49 and '51. It has to be prior to '52 because Tower models from that year were made by Underwood, and when Sears went back to Smith-Corona after using Underwood, they used 5-series Smith-Corona models.