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28-5-2016 17:41:50  #21

Re: Where Do You Prefer To Write?

Recently, when my bipolar IBM B - I think it's a great idea to name typewriters and as soon as I think of some I will begin using them  - was having a cooperative day, I was annoyed to have my concentration broken by ambient noise. So I put on a pair of closed over the ear headphones and cranked up my favorite angry German rock band Rammstein! I don't know if I wrote a lick of sense but it certainly was a kick to get in the groove and shut out the outside world.

The downside to this scheme came up when I was startled to find my girlfriend standing to the side and watching me type - with no idea of how long she had been standing there.That's when I realized I wanted a typing isolation room - maybe with a red rotating light next to a Typing sign and emergency entry by a break glass actuator only. Nothing fancy.  

"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton".

28-5-2016 18:28:20  #22

Re: Where Do You Prefer To Write?

Rapartee - Hahaaaaaaa LOVE IT!! 

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