Hi all! Just wanted to introduce myself and how I came to find this site... My name is Sheri and I am a typewriter-aholic. (They say the first step is admitting you have a problem.)
I only have 2 typewriters, but I am thoroughly and completely obsessed with them! One is the old Underwood Standard No.5 (found for $30 at a spur of the moment stop at a thrift store while on a road trip), and a Remington Rand Quiet-Riter of which dates by the serial number to the early 1950's.
I was at a thrift store walking around aimless and disheartened for not finding anything that jumped out at me one day, then came the cart full of stuff fresh from the back room... I watched them heave this thing onto the shelf, and initial thoughts of "it could be an old travel makeup case" went right out the window. I immediately walked up to him and asked him how much-- there was no price tag on it yet. He scratched his head for a moment, thought about it for another second, and said, "I dunno... 5 bucks?"
I write that with all caps and a period (not an exclamation point) because I didn't want him to know what an absolute steal it was and how incredibly giddy I was! This was about 15 years ago by now, and even though I've typed on it plenty and often, it's now time for a good once over.
And that's how I found this site! I simply searched sewing machine oil for typewriters to see if it will be okay to use since it's all I have on hand, and this site was among the most helpful results.
Glad to be here, happy typing!
Now that I've made at least 2 posts, I should be able to include a photo (not mine) that also shows which style case I have:
and an original commercial from 1958:
Just finished oiling my typewriter and she works beautifully. I named her "Vivian", after a character from a Sarah Waters book called "The Night Watch" who was a typist during WWII at some point in the story.
Welcome to the forum, Sheri. The Quiet-Riter is by my estimation a very underrated typewriter and I think you did very well to end up with one as your first portable. If it was the only typewriter that I owned I would not have any complaints. Well, actually there'd be one small complaint: why no paper rest!?!
Uwe wrote:
Well, actually there'd be one small complaint: why no paper rest!?!
I know, right?! Recently got it back out after a few years of not using it, and I looked for it and got all confused for a second before I remembered there wasn't one.
Thanks for the warm welcome
Welcome Sheri! Nice typewriter! Interesting video too.
Welcome! You got that 15 years ago? That makes you something of a pioneer, I think.
Quite the avatar you have there, too.
Fleetwing wrote:
Welcome! You got that 15 years ago? That makes you something of a pioneer, I think.
Quite the avatar you have there, too.
Now that I'm really thinking about it, it was probably closer to 10 years ago that I acquired it. Had it serviced once in that time, and learning to do a basic cleaning myself has done wonders! I found the avatar image awhile ago too, and I use it wherever I can, hehee