I have a 60s SM9 that works great but three keys will not lay flat. They type well, no sticking,
and I've clean the mechanism, but they will not lay flat with the othera. Just a little proud. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Wish I could post a photo
The most likely problem is that there are wire typebar linkages that have become misshapen from some prior abuse of the machine. Are the keys themselves level with those around them? Work on one of the problem keys at a time, compare its linkages to those on either side. A little poking around and the problem should make itself obvious to you.
The arm of the #7 key definitely looks a little off
If it types fine, what's the problem?
KatLondon wrote:
If it types fine, what's the problem?
That's a good question. I would just like to know what's causing it and if I can fix it.
Well... it's not an unusual situation. I think that sometimes when a machine has had heavy use, the soft metal of the typebar and its linkages underneath can get a bit bent. I've had ones - mostly Skyriters and so on - where all the typebars were so out that it looked like a mouth full of crooked teeth.
Trying to straighten those up seems dauntingly finicky and a bit pointless if they aren't causing you any problems... trying to bend them back could even make a new problem But see what the others say...
Yes, better to leave it alone. Another question:
I just put a new ribbon in and every time I CR the ribbon reverses away from the take up spool so the ribbon stops within a few words on the eyelet embedded towards the end of the ribbon. I move the reverse mechanism back into the right direction but again as soon as I CR its reverses.
What am I doing wrong? Thank you!
I hate ribbon mechanisms. They're always doing something weird. But what is CR?
Pinch wrote:
Yes, better to leave it alone. Another question:
I just put a new ribbon in and every time I CR the ribbon reverses away from the take up spool so the ribbon stops within a few words on the eyelet embedded towards the end of the ribbon. I move the reverse mechanism back into the right direction but again as soon as I CR its reverses.
What am I doing wrong? Thank you!
Thing is, the SM9 does not require an eyeleted ribbon - in fact it can't use them. The ribbon reverse works by simple tension when the end of a spool is reached. Spool to one end and remove ribbon from spool and cut off the end just before the eyelet, then reattach. Spool to the other end and do the same. Should reverse automatically now. PS, I don't know what CR is either.