I'm not really in the market for any more typewriters, but if I saw one that contained a section symbol . . . .§§§§§§§§§Anything you guys are looking for? Any symbol you are dying to type?
Well, I'd love a German keyboard generally, and a Cyrillic. I think the German keyboards, the older ones anyway, often come with the section symbol. Definitely the section symbol is on my list, and the pilcrow (¶).
Certainly, the section symbol is common on German/Swiss (home market) machines - all of mine have it. The symbol I lack (none of my machines have it) is the degree sign - in fact, what I really want is another bank on one of my German/Swiss machines that has this and other common maths symbols such as Pi, Theta and so on. One day I shall investigate the manufacture of the required slugs to add to one of my typewriters - and then throw all the others away.
Just kidding.
I´d love having some really cool, no longer used symbols such as eth or thorn ([b]ð, þ), [/b]and it´d be complete madness (of the good kind, of course) having a typewriter able to perform phonologic transcription with a good bunch of Greek characters, ash, eng... For pure phonetic transcription you´d need to customize something like a Smith Premier 3, so many symbols needed!
A tilda or "less-than and greater-than" symbols would be nice. And more brackets; I only have one machine with brackets.
Yes, brackets -- good point. At least these: [ ]; these { } would be a nice bonus.
Of course, we then start getting into what slugs we'd have to give up in order to fit what we want on the keyboard!
Fleetwing wrote:
Of course, we then start getting into what slugs we'd have to give up in order to fit what we want on the keyboard!
I would trade back a 1/!, and any 8th fractions, if available; especially 8th fractions. On machines with the most common, typical QWERTY keyboard layout found on the average 20-50's American machine, I'd probably want to keep them as they are.
Well, if I don´t have a Spanish keyboard layout I miss the Ñ, and many times the ´, which are almost mandatory if you don´t want to plague your writing with typos. As for fractions, I´d trade most of them for pilcrows or section symbols.
I've always thought that the degree sign was handy when it is there. Usually, it is difficult to raise to the level to type a small "o" is tough--especially if you have a straight 1-2-3 spacing, like on most early American typewriters--and incidentally, make up the majority of my collection. Things are a little easier when you have half-vertical spacing, and easier still when you find that rare typewriter with the degree sign.
What I would to find is a typewriter with Serbo-Croatian slugs, such as đ / Đ and č.
I've seen some typewriters (mostly Erika models) that are fitted with Yugoslavian slugs, but they've been either too expensive, or too far away to buy without a risk.