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11-12-2016 13:57:24  #1

Hermes 3000

Don't be fooled by the plastic body and keys: this is a great machine, especially for writers. I really like the angled carriage lever, and love its feel. I have much better machines, but find myself gravitating often to this one. This one never goes into the garage: it is always at hand.

Visit my website,, for posts on typewriters and literature.

11-12-2016 18:29:58  #2

Re: Hermes 3000

I still think that's about the most squared-up piece of machinery I've seen.  Kind of like the Volkswagen "Thing" they used to have in the 1970s.  But if this typewriter does it in performance, touch, and print, then it's a good one.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

12-12-2016 08:16:04  #3

Re: Hermes 3000

typeset, when you say 'better' machines, what do you mean? Do you just mean more beautiful? Not better to type on, if this one's as good as you say. I have one of the first model of 3000, and a 2000, and I love them both - I can't really  imagine disliking a Hermes, but I've never heard anything very good about this model, so your post cheers me.  


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