Greetings All
I'm not sure if this post even belongs on this forum, however I'll post it anyway:
The other day I picked up a Smith-Corona adding machine with the 60 injection moulded keys. Does anyone here know if there is another forum that deals with adding machines and the like, or know where one might find the serial number on this unit and if it can be dated. An operators manual would also be very handy. Thanks and all the best,
skywatcher wrote:
I'm not sure if this post even belongs on this forum, however I'll post it anyway:
I wonder if we should create a new sub-forum for all other platen and key machines? What would it cover? Adding machines, calculators, and teletypers? I'm sure there are others that I'm missing.
It's not my particular passion, although I did used to repair them back in the day. But why not ? They are as much a part of the vintage office scene as typewiters !
Uwe wrote:
skywatcher wrote:
I'm not sure if this post even belongs on this forum, however I'll post it anyway:
I wonder if we should create a new sub-forum for all other platen and key machines? What would it cover? Adding machines, calculators, and teletypers? I'm sure there are others that I'm missing.