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03-1-2017 15:18:59  #1

New Hermes Baby owner


This is my first post. I am a newbie to this all but have always loved typewriters. I've had a few charity shop finds in the past but today is a special day, I have my very own mid 1960s Hermes Baby! Its in good condition, some paint loss but otherwise all is ok. It has the original ribbon spools and I guess I have to re-spool the ribbon onto these?

I want to clean the whole thing, and will start this weekend, with a vacuum cleaner. What is the general advice on cleaning the rubber roller, I'm sorry, I am not sure of the proper name of this.

With best,



03-1-2017 16:34:54  #2

Re: New Hermes Baby owner

Welcome to the forum, SY. I'm sure you'll really enjoy your new Baby; it's a nice little portable to use.

There are modern spools that will fit the machine, but if you have metal ones on the typewriter it wouldn't hurt to keep them (keep all spools in general) and as you said, just re-spool the new ribbon onto one of them.

Please be careful with the vacuum cleaner. I don't personally like to use vacuums to clean typewriters as it would be too easy to lose any small or loosely connected parts; in the course of working on machines it sometimes happens that you'll find a disconnect part rattling around inside of the machine, and something like that could be lost forever when using a strong vacuum.

I assume that you're referring to the platen when you say rubber roller. I would strongly suggest investing in a can of rubber rejuvenator spray. It's inexpensive, and was specially formulated to clean and soften typewriter platens and feed rollers. It does a great job of removing ink and correcting fluid too. If you use the forum's search tool and the keyword 'rejuvenator' you'll find many threads that have already discussed its use.

Good luck and have fun. And please post a photo of your machine!

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

03-1-2017 17:08:04  #3

Re: New Hermes Baby owner

Thanks so much! Are there any take apart manuals available on here?

Photo to follow.

     Thread Starter

03-1-2017 17:27:58  #4

Re: New Hermes Baby owner

DrShivaYash wrote:

Are there any take apart manuals available on here?

Do you mean a service manual from Hermes? I've never seen one, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. There are plenty of general service manuals for portable typewriters floating around the internet that a search should find, some may even have specific references to Hermes machines. Also available are Owners' Manuals for the typewriter that would contain instructions for the machine's use and perhaps some mention of regular maintenance procedures. 

You could look at this page to start:

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

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