Hi there,
I've had a similar problem with an Olympia SM4 of which the silencer broke. Using the description of PlatenBoy's fix, I was able to get the silencer back into working condition.
However, when I put everything back together, I noticed that the carriage return, though silent, does make a slight squeek when returning it. One of the probable causes (as there's nothing scraping against the carriage, as far as I can tell) is that when re-assembling the typewriter, I neglected to put in the U shaped thingys that hold the paper-plate (that's under the platen) unto the carriage.
Another reason why I'm thinking not putting these in is the cause of the squeek is because there's actually no squeek when there's no paper in the machine, and a louder squeek once I use a backing sheet.
So, in short, could someone show me how the U shaped things are supposed to fit into the paperplate and if anyone has any suggestion as to how to get them in, please do share.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Also, if anyone else has had these squeeks before in a SM4, and knows what other cause it could be, do let me know.
Hi everyone,
So I was able to restore the u shaped clamps that hold the plate to the carriage. Thanks to this instructional video by TypewriterJustice, which was incredibly helpful.
The sad part though, is that, despite my efforts, I still haven't been able to get rid of the squeeking noise when I move the carriage.
Perhaps this will sound familiar to someone:
It doesn't squeek all the time, and in fact, when the machine is free of paper, it doesn't make any noise at all. And when it is fed paper, it usually doesn't squeek when I type and do a carriage return. But if I move the carriage back and forth (i.e. use the carriage release lever to move the carriage left, and manually move it to the right again), the squeek 'returns'.
I've done a fix to the silencer (which is why this is posted in this topic), and I've cleaned that part (the wheel) several times (it was dirty), and lubricated it (very lightly ! with sewing machine oil).
After cleaning and lubricating this part, the squeeking did appear to have been diminished somewhat, or is less frequent. Would that mean I would need to clean this part some more?
Or are there some other places I might've missed that might contribute to the squeeking?
I find it most remarkable that the squeek is only there when there's paper in the machine, which made me think it had something to do with the plate that wasn't attached to the carriage properly.