My niece surprised me with a wonderful Christmas present, an electric Adler Meteor 12 script font (which she found at Goodwill for $4.99). I've cleaned it, lubricated it, changed the ribbon and she works beautifully. The only issue is the period key is quite touchy. If I hold it down it will repeat continuously. I'm not sure if this is an intended design or not. The "k" key will sometimes repeat, but not always. I can find very little information about this typewriter online. Actually the only thing I have found is a cached picture from someone who had one for sale on etsy.
This is my first electric. Does anyone know if the repeating period key is normal? TIA!
The period is one of the repeat keys--along with the -,_,x,X. However, if you use light finger pressure, it should not repeat, but instead repeat only if you push on the key harder. If it is repeating using only light finger pressure, along with the letter k, there is a stuck cam issue. These will need to be cleaned and lightly oiled. Exercise the joints as best you can, and get out all the oil you can--especially if the machine uses a rubber power roller, though I suspect these lightweights use a fluted shaft to actuate the cams. Let an electric typewriter sit for a long time and interesting things happen.
Thank you. I think I just about got the hang of it, using very quick and light action as you said. This is my first electric and it is vastly different than my manuals. I love the thing though, it has a very nice tactile feel and is pretty effortless to bang out a page. This makes my third typewriter, so I officially have a "collection" now, yeah! When I get over this head cold and feel up to it, I'll have to post some pics
I saw a picture of what one of these, and it looks like you've got quite a handsome machine there!
TypewriterKing wrote:
I saw a picture of what one of these, and it looks like you've got quite a handsome machine there!
Thanks! I love that it is an electric and not an electronic. Has that nice manual sound to it when the slugs are hammering away. The script font took a little getting used to, but all the letters line up nicely. Now, if my own cursive was only that good hehe. Finally starting to get over this cold and feeling better, will post some pics along with some type samples after I get caught up on some other stuff.