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08-1-2017 15:54:26  #1

1923 3 Bank Underwood Portable "P" slug striking low

Hello all,

I just picked up a 1923 Underwood 3 Bank Portable and I just love this thing.  It's in great condition and, with a new ribbon, just types like a dream.  

The only problem I'm having is that the "p" slug is striking low, which is to say that wherever the letter "p" appears on the page it is distractingly lower than the rest of the type.  This is uniformly true in uppercase and lower case, so much so that where the capital "P" is typed, the slug strikes so low that it appears to be lowercase.

I've found some posts about alignment generally, but nothing about dealing with just one slug.  Is it possible to fix this or am I just going to have to live with it?



08-1-2017 17:37:27  #2

Re: 1923 3 Bank Underwood Portable "P" slug striking low

You could either bend the type bar arm to where you could get it to strike higher, but then you have to contend with what you've done to the upper case P.  You could replace the type bar outright if you had a junker--or you could replace all.  Or, you could try the still iffier art of getting it pulled up by unsoldering it, moving it up a little bit, and re-soldering it.  You still probably won't get it perfect--it's trial and error.  But, if you had the special jigs that typewriter shops had, you could probably stand a better chance. 

It all depends on how low it is, as to whether or not you can tolerate it.  But in any case, each typewriter has its "peculiarities" about the print, and if you're trying to perfect your print specimen, chances are likelier than not that you will find yet another letter out of whack.  It may be you might have to live with it--especially if it is not really all that bad.  Besides, I have several of my best, most treasured typewriters with something amiss in alignment.  It's just their signature.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

08-1-2017 19:39:21  #3

Re: 1923 3 Bank Underwood Portable "P" slug striking low

See if bending it slightly works. I just took one of these apart and there is no individual type at adjustment. Besides bending.

Back from a long break.

Starting fresh with my favorite typer. A Royal Futura!

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