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27-2-2017 13:36:05  #1

Remington model 5 escapement issues

Hi all,

I am having a world of hurt with a Remington 5 that I got from eBay and I would be extremely grateful for any help.

My woes relate to the escapement.

Pics here:

Essentially, the on this model, the escapement is one of those that works like a teeter-totter which moves two dogs (or pawls) one above and one below the linear escapement rack with each movement actuated by the spacebar or via a keypress. A spring keeps the dog pawl inside the rack and when the carriage is moved the dog peels back out of the way. As opposed to the round gear and larger star wheel of other escapement mechanisms.  I'm not sure if this type of escapement is specific to certain machines or even has a name, but my Remington silent has a round star wheel arrangement, my model 5 has the arrangement I previously mentioned.  

When I press the space bar, or a key, the mechanism attached to the dog moves up which disengages the top dog which I'm guessing is supposed to completely disengage with the tooth of the rack its in, move one tooth across (because of the pull of the draw-band) until the dog underneath takes over. This giving the movement of the carriage by one space. This isn't happening.  

At this point, I should mention the dog is in perfect condition (i.e the tip) and the rack has no missing teeth.

The top dog can't get out of the rack because I think its too far in, and I think only a small portion of the triangular dog tip should be in it, you can even see the rack bending slightly up where it sticks as the dog pushes up against it. When the carriage is at rest, the dog tooth fits snugly inside the rack.

When its stuck, If you push the carriage a little it might come out but then the bottom tooth doesn't catch and the carriage noisily slips all the way along and then catches at some point It's a complete mess down there.  

I have seen various screws around the escapement which permit some movement but it is not enough to do anything significant.

The only adjustments I can see are a wing nut and screw which adjusts the ribbon vibrator, and screws and wing nuts either side of the teeter totter arrangement which only fractionally allows some side to side movement of the dog and two screws which allow fractional movement diagonally  movement of the dog although this movement is just because the screw hole is fractionally loose around the screw, it does't appear to be one of those slightly oval screw openings thats meant for proper movement adjustments.

The strange this is, there is a screw which is on the rack itself which allows you to move just one end of the rack up or down.  I really don't know that useful purpose this serves as only moving one end of the rack causes a world of pain.  Surely it should have adjustments both ends. 

I think my dog is too far inside the rack and I need a way to either move the rack back, or move the dog back away from the rack.

If anyone has any useful suggestions, or ideally if someone has a Remington 5 or similar Remington which has the same escapement arrangement and doesn't mind taking a picture, or better still a video of the escapement working, it really would be appreciated. 

Maybe if I can see it working I might be able to do something.

I can get the rack to move in by pushing on it (not a permanent solution), or pulls it slightly out by pulling on the carriage release lever but simulating either of these scenarios still doesn't cause the dog to work correctly so I'm stuck.

Many thanks in advance for any help.




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