Spotted in a pub window yesterday: a Standard Folding looking a bit bedraggled.
Oh how I miss 'junk' shops. Here in Australia they are few and far between, and the prices are silly.
They seem to have largely gone here (UK) as well, at least where I live. The window in the pic is a display window for a pub. It is North facing in a narrow ginnel so there won't be much sun damage. Seems a sad end to stuff that was once so useful. The sewing machine as well. But I've got a manual sewing machine & a Standard Folding.
Sad. Where are you, out of curiosity?
Does the word "pub" have other meanings than a name for a stereotypical drinking establishment? I've spent a lot of time in pubs, arguably too much time, but I've never come across one that had a display window of any kind. On the other hand I have seen typewriters in pubs being used as display pieces, which were equally sad sights as OldGreyBeard's Corona 3.
Behold the fate of this poor Royal 10 that I spotted in a pub in Antigua. It looked like it had been literally thrown on top of the bookcase to spend the rest of its days beside a pile of cricket equipment. I should have offered the pub's owner a few bucks for the spools, but didn't think of it at the time...
I think the best description (by an American I think) of an English pub is that its a sort of communal living room. That pretty much sums up what the best ones are like.
Then we are talking about a pub in its classic definition of the word. Had you considered talking to the pub owner with a display window (still a novelty to me) to see if the Corona 3 and sewing machine might be for sale? You might find a sympathetic ear when you explain that you lovingly collect and bring back such neglected machines back to life...
Strangely enough it has occurred to me
He may ask (rightly) what he's supposed to put in the window to replace the typewriter! But a little cash may make him more tractable.