So I have a lovely 1933 Underwood Bank Portable No 4. I had removed the casing to adjust the shift mechanism's alignment, and when I put the case back on the typewriter was doing something very strange with the ribbon reverse system. It had this tendency to begin "sputtering", and tension builds in the gears, until it either "pops" and switches the ribbon feed direction or gets completely stuck.
I had tinkered with it for a while and thought the problem had been solved, but after pulling it back out for a regular session is starting doing the same thing again. I've looked all over this typewrite, but I can't figure out what's causing the tension to build. I don't know if it's a problem with the top of the ribbon feed system where the spools are, but I just can't find the problem. Help!
Go here and look at the Ames 1945 repair manual for portables, if you haven't seen this already:
I am dealing with the ribbon reverse mechanism on my own copy of this typewriter, but I haven't figured it out yet -- ribbon goes in only one direction (left spool to right) and will not manually reverse using the knob on the right side of the machine. I think with mine, and maybe yours too, there is an issue with the pawls on either end of the shaft that drives the spools.
Hi Fleetwing! I had the very same issue when I first bought the typewriter, the bar that holds the gear-turning worms didn't actually touch the gears and was very resistant to manual turning with the knob. However, when I tinkered with it I found that that bar actually angles up and down(when looking at the bottom of the machine) to activate either gear. So it kind of "snaps" at the appropriate crooked angle to catch the left or right gear. I'm not sure if that helps you any. That may not be what it's supposed to do, but in pretty sure that is how it works.
The machine has catches that are supposed to automatically switch feed direction upon reaching the pins in the ribbon, which was what was snatching on the gears and causing resistance to knob turning. I'm uploading a video of the mechanism that I will attach once it's uploaded!
Other than that one problem, it's a great typewriter! It's my oldest and best working manual.
Thanks, Teran. Mine doesn't want to catch the lefthand gear. I can get it to work when I have the machine up on its back, but when it's horizontal (i.e. in working position) the bar with the worm gear will not stay in place.
Here's what it's doing:
Thanks for posting the video. I understand how the mechanism works; I just can't get it to operate going from the right spool to the left.
Teran M. wrote:
Here's what it's doing
Your ribbon is not properly threaded through the vibrator in that video. I am not sure if it was like that in your testing. Is that old dried ribbon? Decades old, really dried out ribbon can drag and cause issues. I would double check your threading, and if that is old ribbon that came in the machine, toss it. I would then check that the spools and nothing on the top part of the ribbon feed mechanism is binding. There could be other issues, but I would check these first.
Hi Soucek! I know the ribbon isn't fed correctly, and no, the ribbon is brand new. I just had put the ribbon it briefly to get it out of the way. From what I can tell, the spools are working fine, but I haven't gone into intensive inspection on them. That's my next plan of action. The ribbon never has any tension when it's threaded or when I'm using it.
Are they metal spools or new plastic ones?
They are metal.