Hello, I started recently collecting typewriters and I am new to this forum. I was wondering if anyone has ever had a problem like this because its got me stumped. I bought a 1965 Smith Corona Galaxie last weekend and its +/= key is sticking, but only when the basket is in lowercase. I apply shift and it works just as good as every other key. I did not see any other post on here or reddit that had an issue like this. Thanks in advance!
Sounds like the slug is slightly bent. Use your fingers to bend it so it doesn’t rub either part of the type guide.
Sorry for the delayed response. Life has been a roller coaster in the past week. From what I can tell it does not seem to be rubbing on any side of the type guide. It seems to get stuck 2/3 of the way from the resting position to the guide.
It may be dirt or a bent linkage. Make sure the segment slot is clean; then and check the linkage and make sure it is not catching on anything, and compare it to the adjacent ones to make sure it has not been bent out of shape.