I recently acquired a TP2 with a seized escapement. A couple of sources online suggested applying PB Blaster or similar to the escapement area, and testing/reapplying over days until the original lubricant dissolved. This did not work for me-- although the escapement did move somewhat after a couple of days, it got no better with continued application of PB Blaster.
The solution was to detach the drawband, then remove four screws (two at either end of the carriage rod which slides through the tube), allowing removal of the carriage top, and thus access to a screw on top of the escapement bearing. Be careful not to damage the tab set/remove assembly. I was then able to easily flush out the bearing, and within seconds it was moving freely. I rinsed with naptha, then blew it out & added some light oil before reinserting the bearing screw. Getting the carriage top back in place is tricky, but is easier if the rod is moved all the way to one side.
Hope this helps!
Belated thank you. I cut & pasted your comment to a document file and placed in in my TP2 folder for use in the future, if I need it then.