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16-7-2019 21:42:47  #1

Skyriter Generations

The differences in appearance are evident, but what are the functional and mechanical differences between the 2Y, 3Y and 4Y Skyriter?

"In memory, everything seems to happen to music." - Tennessee Williams

21-7-2019 23:27:38  #2

Re: Skyriter Generations


Here's what I've learned from my experience with the Skyriters. Some members with more experience may add more information or correct me on a few facts. Tom The Typewriterman is the authority when it comes to British built typewriters.

1X- and 1Y- were the genesis for the Skyriter, the Smith-Corona Zephyr. The 2Y- series Skyriters had the clamshell metal cover and the short line advance (return) lever. The 3Y- series had the long line space lever and came in a soft case. The 4Y- series also had the long line advance lever was made in the re-tooled British Typewriters factory in West Bromwich, England and came in a much stiffer leatherette finish case.

With having cleaned and serviced various specimens of all these models, I haven't seen any substantial difference in the basic internal workings of these machines. The basic design of the 1X-Zephyr and 1Y-Zephyr Deluxe was evidently adequately reliable that it did not require any substantial re-engineering.

The 5Y- and 6Y- series lightweight Corsair, Calypso Cougar and Profile (to name a few) had the exact same internal mechanism but with a few more plastic parts placed into a plastic shell. I've also worked on 1 7Y- Super-G and it also appeared to have the same basic mechanism as all its predecessors.

Hope this gives you something to work with,


We humans go through many computers in our lives, but in their lives, typewriters go through many of us.
In that way, they’re like violins, like ancestral swords. So I use mine with honor and treat them with respect.
I try to leave them in better condition than I met them. I am not their first user, nor will I be their last.
Frederic S. Durbin. (Typewriter mania and the modern writer)

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