We dont need to save typewriters from key choppers.. we need to save them from post!
Working it out with the seller now.
That's just awful beak. I would be devastated. I look for typewriters on Ebay constantly but hestitate that it would arrive to me in one piece, I look but I don't buy. I wonder if sellers have any common sense when shipping fragile items.
My WW2 German Military typewriter was shipped in a beaten old box, without a case, and packed with just a little newspaper. That was after I had instructed the seller to be very very careful packing it. Miraculously, it arrived just fine.
No making sense of post office I guess. Ordered record from guy up in Dallas Texas. I'm in San Antonio which is about a 6 hour drive.
The post office mailed the LP to Atlanta GA, then to Memphis TN, and then back to Dallas again! They're worse than the air lines...
Colrehogen, sorry to hear about your losses. : /
Hope things work out.
Only the Royal Arrow is bent. The QDL arrived with just a screw missing and another loose.
Regarding the comment above about shipping something that is fragile, I imagine that most people don't see a metal typewriter as being fragile. They figure that it is metal and therefore won't break easily.
colrehogan wrote:
I imagine that most people don't see a metal typewriter as being fragile. They figure that it is metal and therefore won't break easily.
Maybe we need to describe typewriters to those sellers as being the equivalent of a metal tool box filled with two dozen loose raw eggs?
I'm currently interested in WHY sellers don't pack properly. I have noticed that even after a reasonable conversation, during which the simplest of packing methods is agreed to, many still don't follow the method.
I have most politely, and in the most non-aggressive and guilt-freee way asked four sellers now just to let me know, for my own interest, and to help me with future sellers, why they did not pack the way we had established between us, I have never had a reply.
Last edited by beak (03-6-2015 01:11:41)
Dont forget these sellers probably have no idea WHAT a typewriter is,HOW it works, etc. Dont forget the shipping! They dont want to spend too much on that! (Ever heard of craigslist?)
beak wrote:
I'm currently interested in WHY sellers don't pack properly.
Human nature:
1. They already have your money. Little incentive to do more.
2. They most likely feel that they didn't get enough for the typewriter.
3. Extra cost to them.
4. Extra time for them.
5. Ignorance. Assume that it's a sturdy machine and that you're just being anal retentive about its shipping.
When it comes to eBay you do have the option to leave negative feedback and an opportunity to comment on their inability to ship the machine in a manner that was agreed upon. Negative feedback is taken very seriously on eBay, and most sellers will bend over backward to avoid getting it. When researching a seller I always read through any negative feedback they've received before deciding whether or not I'll buy something from them. Often negative feedback can be dismissed as not deserved because some buyers are truly unrealistic with their expectations, but if there's a pattern to the complaints then it's a red flag for me.