I am new to the vintage typewriter world. Recently picked up a beautiful SM9 that types well. The only issue I'm having is that, when set to 1.5 or double line spacing, the carriage return is periodically "skipping" the first notch/click. So double line spacing would normally have 4 clicks on the gear (sorry, don't know the technical terms), but about half the time, it misses the first click and I can feel the miss on the carriage return lever. 1.5 spacing has the same issue, but much less frequently. Can someone give me an idea of where I should be looking to fix the issue?
Thanks in advance!
The line space pawl needs to be cleaned. Unscrew both of the platen knobs and pull out the platen, then over on the left side, you'll see the mechanism that pushes the platen. There is a little ratchet pawl that moves up and down to engage the teeth. Make sure that is clean behind the pawl. Also, the line space selector is basically an interruptor of the pawl, not allowing the pawl to engage until the selected number of teeth has been passed. That selector may need adjustment. As with everything on typewriters, so much proper function is regained simply by thoroughly cleaning everything. Mineral spirits are good for cleaning the SM9 but try not to get any on the paint for long. Flushing with mineral spirits or naptha will really help that mechanism. getting in there with a fine brush to physically move the old crud out will help too. Once you've got it cleaned, get a small paintbrush and dab on a tiny bit of thin oil (not WD-40) on every moving metal to metal interface, with the exception of the segment, where the typebars sit. After that, you should have pretty much the best typewriter you can get. For good oil, any thin oil will work but synthetics are best since they don't oxidize as quickly as dinosaur or vegetable based oils. "Liquid bearings" is good, so is any automatic transmission fluid. For the carriage, some say grease, some say oil; I came from a culture of using grease on bearings as a bike mechanic, but now I find that using 90wt hypoid gear oil (automotive differential fluid) makes the carriages extraordinarily smooth. You have to keep the rails clean though sincy 90wt will attract dust, lint, and everything else, like a magnet.
Phil Forrest
Thank you, Phil, I was hoping it just needed a cleaning. I lucked out with this purchase, the typewriter is in beautiful shape, has un-fossilized rubber feet, and the platen is in good shape. Not bad for my first purchase!