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03-5-2021 06:15:03  #1

2 inch wide ink ribbon

Im currently renovating a 1930's Bundy Time Recorder clock that had a 2 inch ink ribbon to operate the stamping mechanism. Does anyone know where I can obtain a ribbon of this width.


03-5-2021 07:58:31  #2

Re: 2 inch wide ink ribbon

If you still have the original ribbon and it is one colour you can try and re-ink it. I have done it in the past by taking all the ribbon out from from a spool and spray WD40 on it. Once it is soaked, after about a couple of hours, I would put it back in the spool wiping gently the excess ink with a kitchen towel as it goes in the spool. It does work, I mean, it is a quick fix and not professional whatsoever, but it does the job and it will work. 


03-5-2021 09:02:49  #3

Re: 2 inch wide ink ribbon

Unfortunately I don't have the old ribbon, but thanks for your quick reply

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03-5-2021 23:55:54  #4

Re: 2 inch wide ink ribbon

Hi Alan

Take a look at this site, Lanie might have something that will fit your needs. All the best,


We humans go through many computers in our lives, but in their lives, typewriters go through many of us.
In that way, they’re like violins, like ancestral swords. So I use mine with honor and treat them with respect.
I try to leave them in better condition than I met them. I am not their first user, nor will I be their last.
Frederic S. Durbin. (Typewriter mania and the modern writer)

04-5-2021 02:55:22  #5

Re: 2 inch wide ink ribbon

Hi Sky

Thanks for your reply and will send lanie a message.


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