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07-11-2021 09:55:50  #1

Alternative Carrying Cases

I just posted in the Parts category that I want the top for an Olympia SM4 carrying case. I have the base for that machine and a full case for another SM4. Sadly I don’t have access to a Star Trek Replicator or I’d just duplicate one. I’m wondering what, if anything, other folks use for a carrying case when the OEM part isn’t available?


07-11-2021 10:10:48  #2

Re: Alternative Carrying Cases

I added a very nice Torpedo 18s to my collection that came without its plastic (and very fragile) case.

I also ended up with a trashed out Olivetti-Underwood 21 machine (that I bought for donor parts) that came with its immaculate case.

That case was the perfect fit for my Torpedo 18s.

I did fashion a velcro strap in the case to hold down the Torpedo 18s for travel.


07-11-2021 10:25:00  #3

Re: Alternative Carrying Cases

Nice! That definitely looks better than covering it with a towel. I haven't visited any of the local Thrift shops for nearly two years. Perhaps its time to check some out again.

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07-11-2021 11:42:16  #4

Re: Alternative Carrying Cases

It's almost unheard of to find a travel case on its own, but as buyers continue to scrap machines for parts it is possible that we might see more cases become available. I'd suggest thinking outside of the box: if you just need it for storage, then almost any box with a little padding will do. If you want to actually travel with it, you could look at customizable hard cases that have foam inserts that can be cut to the shape of your machine.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

07-11-2021 12:24:07  #5

Re: Alternative Carrying Cases

I would love to know the back-story of so many things. With having the clamp on base for the SM4 provided with this machine, when and where did the top go. Nearly every one I speak to in my age bracket owned a typewriter at one time. Some have stories of throwing them away, some giving them to Thrift store. For years I've noticed them in such places but I wasn't looking for one until recently.

My lack of storage space and desire for ready access gives value to a case standing vertical. My writing desk is also my typing desk. I can have a pen-roll of eight fountain pens readily available and taking very little space. My typewriters take up just a bit more space yet I have them nearly as readily available, in a case with the handle facing up.

Uwe, the customization of a case may be the most practical option.

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07-11-2021 16:10:18  #6

Re: Alternative Carrying Cases

Search on eBay for " typewriter case only" tends to bring up lonely cases from time to time.


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