Hello!Looking for some help with my 1946 Smith Corona Sterling I'm fixing up. I just managed to repair the ratchet mechanism attached to the carriage return letter so that it now functions normally- just one problem- it only moves the ratchet and smooth metal end of the platen. The platen itself does not progress vertically.The knobs on both sides move the platen but not the ratchet. And the carriage return level moves the ratchet but not the platen. The platen seems to be a little loose at the tightest I can get it so I'm wondering if maybe I need to strategically put in some thin washers somewhere to increase tension or if the variable line spacer is somehow staying engaged even when it is pushed in.Any ideas are greatly appreciated. I can include videos of the problem if anyone is interested to see it in action.
Sounds like the variable line space mechanism is stuck. A little more cleaning may fix it.
Phil Forrest