I came into a 1942 Underwood today. Says "Champion" on the top-most edge of the space bar, but in every respect looks like this fellow:
Serial #td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}=10ptS5567995-11 dates it to 1942, just before the factory started making rifles I think. Obviously I am thrilled!
The works are in excellent shape, and scrubbing with only water and a toothbrush has removed most grime. The one thing I am stymied by are the key tops. Several are completely faded / rubbed off. What to do?
They don't seem to have another layer on top like my Royals do (ergo they rubbed off). So I don't see how to replace with R. Polt's awesome key legends:
What can be done? Thoughts?
This forum is SO helpful. Thanks!
I would look into replacement key legends (paper) and use some clear sheet-protector plastic material cut into circles of the right size. Those chrome rings on the key-tops usually took special pliers to remove and reinstall, but I think you can pry them off by the tabs, below each key-top.
If the keytops have recessed lettering that has rubbed off, you would just have to fill it in with a paint pen or lacquer stick, and rub off the excess before it dries.
Looking at one of the photos of your machine, I think I would use some Flitz metal & plastic polish with a clean cotton wrap on that Tab bar to see if the plastic will polish up. (This is my standard method for cleaning key-tops).
Sometimes I will even use some 2500 grit wet & dry emery cloth with Flitz as the wetting agent for really stubborn key-tops.
If you have good results with the Tab bar, I would do the same with the key-tops that seem to be hazy or crudded up.
I get Flitz and the 2500 grit wet & dry emery cloth at my local AutoZone store. But you can get Flitz off of eBay as well.
Those keys are basically celluloid inserts, a fine plastic polish would work great, much like what was recommended. You may want to follow up after wit auto wax