Thought some might find this handle repair helpful. This Optima's case was in bad shape, with the leather handle rotted away leaving the steel band inside. I replaced it with a standard luggage handle wrap, with a strip of foam from a yoga pad to help fill it out. It's not a legit restoration but at least I can carry the Optima in the case again. Other repairs: I built up a smashed corner with some JB QuickWood, touch up with acrylic paints. The metal case lock and handle hardware were rusty and I cleaned them up with an abrasive buffing wheel in a Dremel. Hats off to Mr. Pete for inspiring me to pay attention to cases!
That's a great fix solution and probably comfortable in the hand as well.
I have had good luck with these on some of my cases and have even painted the dark vinyl handle with ivory-cream spray paint (new stuff for outdoor plastic furniture).
Case are a lot of fun & enjoyment to bring them back to looking as good as the machines that they protected so well for so many years.