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05-9-2022 21:18:46  #1

In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

Have this lovely 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4 heading to our home.  It is located in eastern not too far to travel.

I think this color combination came out in 1962-63 and the color was used on SM5 machines, as well.

Paid more than I wanted to, but I just came off of some bargain prices for other it balances out in the long run.

I have been wanting to add a SM4 and held out for one of these to appear.  It has QWERTY and still has a couple of German language keys.  Service shop label on the back is from Hamburg.


05-9-2022 23:42:27  #2

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

Nice Pete. Umlauts and a 1 key!


06-9-2022 05:33:10  #3

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

A color combo I have not seen. I like.

- Be kind 

06-9-2022 10:57:37  #4

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

This late-production SM4 is very interesting.

*  Color of the SM5 a smoother paint finish.

*  Having the Tab set/clear controls along the space bar of the SM7 and SM9 (most of them)... the SM5 and SM8 went back to manually-set Tab stops along the Tab rail along the back panel.

*  Yet retaining the spring-assist key-tops of the earlier SM models and the SG1.

Not sure if the "1" key means anything...I am hoping the machine does not turn out to be cursive-script, though.  I have 2 of those...and that is enough for my use.


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10-9-2022 11:59:36  #5

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

Got my new-to-me Olympia SM4 fully serviced and cleaned up and ribboned.

Turns out it is a 1960-made machine based on its serial number.  It is a real joy to use.  Very precise, accurate, and fast...just like my 1957 SM3.

The color is very interesting.  In some light, it appears a tan/ivory color and in other lighting a slight mint-green cast comes out.  So I do not think it is the 1-color offered in the SM5 machines, as I thought originally.

I think it might be the same color that some of the last SG1 machines around 1961-62 were offered in as a textured but gloss paint finish.

It did not need any other work/adjustments.  Some previous owner placed the initials of "EG" along the right side body panel.  I'll plan to mix up some custom paint and fill that in, a bit.

I will rehab the case in the coming week.

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10-9-2022 12:51:58  #6

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

Looks ready for the showroom Pete!


10-9-2022 14:46:08  #7

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

The pair..a 1957 SM3 and the 1960 SM4.

And always very near by...our 2 year old "rescue-feral" kitty we named "Lilly".  She is now so loving, secure, and affectionate.  She came out of her feral ways in about 2 weeks in our home. 

And she is the "Boss" when it comes to the boy-kitties in our home.

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12-9-2022 15:23:26  #8

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

Finished the case rehab for the Olympia SM4.

Handle got a new color...but me deep rust on the handle holders got cleaned up but the chrome was a bit too rusted to come back.

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22-9-2022 09:09:37  #9

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

If anyone is looking for another one of these machines w/case...FB Marketplace in Spokane WA has one and some old cameras...all for only $ 35.

(No affiliations...)

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25-9-2022 07:49:07  #10

Re: In-Coming 1962 (?) Olympia SM-4...

Glad to hear one of our Forum members in the new owner of this neat SM4.

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