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07-2-2023 18:25:59  #1

Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

I know there was a "Traveller" that was made in Japan (orange & white in colour) that had a built-in Tab function with fixed-factory Tab stops.  I own one of these and their back-panel has an "Olivetti look" to it.

But it appears that late in the 1970's, Olympia made (either in West Germany or Yugoslavia) a "Traveller Deluxe S" model that also had fixed-Tab functions but are not the machine made in Japan.

I found these images on the Web (see below).

And then I saw more of them on the TWDB Gallery page...some even in the orange & white colours but not the model made in Japan.

I was not aware that the German-made (or Yugoslavia-made) machines came with a fixed Tabulator function.

Learned something new, today...


08-2-2023 04:59:27  #2

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

The 'tabulator' model is quite common here in the UK, and dates from the early 1980's.    The Yugoslav factory wasn't actually owned by Olympia, they sub-contracted manufacture.  Having said that, there was no quality difference between German and Yugoslav Travellers - at least initially.  Up to about 1979, the Traveller was only available from Olympia dealers but after that it was mass-marketed through non-typewriter outlets.  A 'general purpose' English language keyboard was introduced and then the pre-set tabulator.  Although the machine was still streets ahead of the competition in quality, economies were made in construction as the years went on.  They probably finished around 1989.  The sub-contractors got permission from Olympia to continue making the Traveller under their own name - mainly for Eastern Europe and often with Cyrillic keyboards, but production ended completely after a few more years.


08-2-2023 11:11:40  #3

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

Thanks, Tom, for the additional info. that I am specifically looking for the "Tabulator" version, they do seem to be plentiful.

Would be fun  to get one in my hands to see if these  Yugoslavian machines have anything in common with the made-in-Japan version with its fixed tabulator.

But I have a SF and two Traveller Deluxes and my Japanese Traverller, am not sure I can shoe-horn, in, another.

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09-9-2023 19:59:58  #4

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

Finally got one coming my way.

Added bonus is that it is a nice, more-simple cursive script.

This might be the machine I give the orange colour-change...

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10-9-2023 11:45:47  #5

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

Congratulations! This looks like Script #69, which I have in my Olympia SF. The SF gets more use than probably any of my typewriters, in part because it's a nice typeface (works with bichrome!) and also because it's a great back yard / deck / ferry boat typewriter.

Are you going to do the whole machine in orange, or just the ribbon color?


10-9-2023 15:56:16  #6

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

Hi Rob,

Orange paint just on the ribbon cover.  Peel & stick felt on its under-side once it is repainted.

The orange O-I logo will probably get a nice Iris Blue colour..or maybe an Emerald it stands out on the new orange paint.

I usually add peel & stick felt on the inside of the bottom panel as well.

My SF and my other Travellers are fun outdoor and porch machines.

My Erika Daro Model 40 (with Tabs) has also  joined that outdoor it is just at 11.0 lbs.; so just a tad heavier than the others.

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12-9-2023 01:50:52  #7

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

An Olympia with Script would be also my next hunt :D

I really like the typeface


12-9-2023 08:26:26  #8

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...


This one is my 2nd. Olympia cursive machine.  Its a 1974 electric (SGE-35).

It took another busted up parts-machine to get the cursive 100% and I ended up with a 2nd. cowling I repainted in one of my favourite colours.  For both, I think I put down a total of $ 100 or so.

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25-9-2023 09:02:32  #9

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

Cleaned and serviced the 1978 (made in Yugoslvia) Olympia Traveller Deluxe S.  New ribbon placed.

It has factory-fixed Tab stop at 10-character spacing all across the platen.

Here is a sample of the cursive type.  The very tops of the red upper-cases prints out with a bit of black ink on some of them.

First thought I might need to make some upper/lower case  alignment adjustments...then looking a bit closer at the black/red silk ribbon, I noticed the black ink-band is a bit wider than the lower red in-band.

Made no adjustments.  I'll swap ribbons with another of my machines to see if the minor problem goes away.  I have plastic spools on the machine now and they tend to wobble, as well.

Will add a new splash of colour to the ribbon cover and some peel & stick felt to it as well, once it is repainted.

Case cleaned up nicely and has no cracks is usual with these plastic clam-shell case/lids.

More photos in a few days.

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25-9-2023 17:19:21  #10

Re: Olympia Traveller Deluxe S - With Tab Function...

Addition of new paint colour on the ribbon cover.

Decided against the orange and went with a Rustoleum colour called "Nutmeg" in a satin finish.

Had to remind myself I already had 4 other machines with orange paint.

( Still have a bit of paint cut-ins to do around the O-I emblem, tomorrow. )

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