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17-6-2023 12:59:15  #1

SG-3 platen pressure

I'm fine-tuning my SG-3. The ring-cylinder adjustment looks good for letters, per the manual's guidelines of using a folded sheet of paper and testing the pull with a typebar firmly held up to the ring. The impression is nice. 

That said, the period and comma impressions are huge (and the comma doesn't look that far off the period); the apostrophe is similarly large, and the underscore slices thin paper stock clean through. I'm using the Avery laminate backing sheet that Pete often suggests because the platen is concrete-like. 

Some typewriters have a little limiter for keys like period and comma so you can adjust their pressure differently than the other keys. Is there something similar on the SG-3?

If not, any other suggestions?

I've tried cranking up the touch control but that doesn't change things much (other than give my fingers a good workout). 


18-6-2023 01:37:36  #2

Re: SG-3 platen pressure

Honestly, you need a re-rubbered platen !


18-6-2023 09:54:13  #3

Re: SG-3 platen pressure

Thanks. I'll add this one to the list. I plan to do a bulk order from J.J. Short sometime with the platens from my favorite typewriters.

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18-6-2023 12:20:39  #4

Re: SG-3 platen pressure

As a temporary solution, you can put narrow strips of adhesive address labels or so onto the segment at the point where it is hit by the typebars with the comma and period. By adding more strips on top of each other, you can 'adjust' the imprint. 


18-6-2023 17:05:25  #5

Re: SG-3 platen pressure

That's a clever solution in the meantime. Thanks Laurenz!

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