I picked up one of these, and having trouble removing it from the case. It appears to be the same type of case mechanism as on the manuals, where you press the lever on the left to release the front, lift, and then slide it forward so the slot in back comes away from a metal tab. It releases from the front and I can lift it up an inch or so but no luck sliding it forward at all. I've tried prying with a screwdriver in back. Frustrating. This may be the first typewriter case I have to destroy the shell to get at the pearl within.
Hi Mike
It looks like the plastic knob on the release lever has rotated as the arrow should be pointing towards the back of the case. Push the release lever directly backwards and the machine should pop up an inch or so, then you can lift it out of the case. The spring tension on this clip can be quite high, so it may take a considerable amount of force to release the lock as compared to the manual 5-series Smith-Coronas. You can try pushing the front edge of the machine down while moving the release lever as this will reduce the spring force working against the latch. Hope this points you in the right direction,
Congratulations !
If you find yourself needing belts and do not mind o-rings, McMaster Carr has the perfect ones.
Yes I can free the front and lift it up past the hold down but machine won't come forward. I'll try again, by opening the release, lowering machine and try to slide it forward.
skywatcher wrote:
Hi Mike
It looks like the plastic knob on the release lever has rotated as the arrow should be pointing towards the back of the case. Push the release lever directly backwards and the machine should pop up an inch or so, then you can lift it out of the case. The spring tension on this clip can be quite high, so it may take a considerable amount of force to release the lock as compared to the manual 5-series Smith-Coronas. You can try pushing the front edge of the machine down while moving the release lever as this will reduce the spring force working against the latch. Hope this points you in the right direction,
Thanks Pete, if I can get that far with things. Fixed a break in the ac wire, plugged it in and no hum or any response.
Hi Mike,
With it might take a continuity tester across the 2 contacts of the rotary on/off dial-switch. Sometimes the switch contacts can get greasy/dirty.
Also check your motor for any shorts-to-ground...which would indicate the motor windings have burned out.
Pete E. wrote:
Hi Mike,
With it might take a continuity tester across the 2 contacts of the rotary on/off dial-switch. Sometimes the switch contacts can get greasy/dirty.
Also check your motor for any shorts-to-ground...which would indicate the motor windings have burned out.
Good ideas, thanks. Will attack the case problem again shortly, then on to electrical.
Well i got it out the case. By lifting the front enough to peer down with a flashlight, I could see that the rubber feet in back had melted to the case.
I stripped the shell off and I'm looking at the back of the on/off switch wheel, but I don't see any electrical wires going to it. Very dirty inside and some rust here and there. I think I threw a little money into the lake and maybe it's time to move on. So far I have not had good luck with used electric typewriters.
I'm sorry for your disappointment. Not sure what you mean by time to move on, but I urge you to not trash this but to make it available to someone who will take on the challenge. Like me, in New England.
Hi Mike,
The rotary switch and a ribbon-cover dead-man switch both have to be turned "on" before the electrical micro-switch makes & breaks to complete the electrical circuit.
In the photo below, I have circled in "red" the ribbon-cover dead-man switch.
I have also highlighted in "blue" the electrical micro-switch. You can see a pair of switch-wires coming to and going out the micro-switch is you look in the space between the micro-switch and the right side ribbon spool.
Below the micro-switch you will see a black lever that is connected to the linkage coming from the rotary switch and the dead-man switch.