So many typewriters that need TLC! I have another Gossen Tippa (glass-topped key) that came in rather bad shape. Althought the carriage moves when typing, pulling the carriage return lever doesn't move the platen so it advances to the next line.
I can't seem to find solutions on the net that pertains specifically to lever issues (there were mostly about replacing drawbands), and nothing seems to be out of place with the lever (except the lever is dropped so low it scrapes the ribbon covers).
Would anyone with knowledge of Gossen Tippas be able to shed some light on this sad affair? Thank you.
So the problem is that the Line Space Lever isn't turning the platen when it's operated? Photos would really help here, but in their absence I can only suggest that you follow the movement of all the associated parts and make sure everything is engaging properly. Also, make sure that the Line Space Selector is properly set to either single (1) or double (2) spacing. Some machines have a zero setting (0) that allows the platen to be spun freely by hand and in this position the line space lever will not work.
Hi, sorry I just saw this! The issue has been fixed -- the lever wasn't catching on the gears because the screws were loose. Once tightned, it moved like a charm!