Hi all. So, I am returning to the typewriter after many years of avoiding the one my father had. As I have gotten older, I find that my ADHD and learning disability are easily destracted when typing on a computer or writing on a notepad. However, that clickety-clack sound, brings me right into the paper and the inspiration starts flowing.
This does not mean I type well. No autocorrect on the typewriter, or review button to scan through my 'saved' document! What do I do? I see all these pencil erasers, and sand erasers, and those funny little wheel erasers that my father used! I refuse to use White Out, because there is nothing worse then a White Out stained platen!
What do all of you use, and where do you recommend I find those items? What really works, besides being a little slower, more contemplative, and remembering to watch for common errors. Thanks everyone for your insights!
I agree with you about White Out and any other liquid used to cover typos. That stuff has been the scourge of my collector's existance as I've lost track of how many machines I've bought that were covered in the difficult to remove stuff.
The way I handle typos is simple: I just type over them. Unless I'm writing something that needs to be presented to someone else - and even then not always - I don't let the little mistake bother me. If it's something really important I type from a draft and slow down to make sure that I don't make any mistakes.
White Out and Liquid Paper are pretty bad, but using an eraser or correction film can also create a mess, which is the one thing I can say about my method: it's very clean.
Thanks for the feedback! Sounds like your method also brings some great life lessons.
1.) Slow down and be in the moment. You may find the outcome more enjoyable.
2.) Don't worry about the small things. Life happens, with or without you worrying.
Just something for me to contemplate today. Thank you.
For me the lesson is living with my mistakes. Of course there are times when presentation is important, but needlessly striving for perfection - in my case - is more debilitating than it is productive.
For me, I'll usually write out a draft of what I want to type up beforehand so I make less mistakes, then type at a very constant pace. This way, I don't make nearly as many mistakes.
However I like things to look neat, and seeing as typing up my class notes is quicker than writing out by hand, after making a mistake I scroll up the paper, take a bottle of Tippex (White Out, as you call it), and carefully apply it. It doesn't get on the machine and it looks neater than crossed out letters!
In all seriousness, typewriters are wonderful as they force you to think before typing. It makes for better spelling and grammar on the whole.
I normally use an IBM Selectric with a correctible ribbon, so I just use a lift-off tape to remove the errors, even on a non-correcting machine.
If I'm using a machine with a fabric ribbon, I use cover-up tape instead. Very clean with no residue or waiting for the white-out to dry.
Mari wrote:
In all seriousness, typewriters are wonderful as they force you to think before typing. It makes for better spelling and grammar on the whole.
Auto correct on my mobile phone has given my bad habits. Typing in a typewriter is a good way to break those.
I have been using White-Out recently, and it has actually seemed to be working well. After reading this, I'm wondering if it is just the particular white-out that I have that works well. I always put 3 sheets of paper in, so I guess that it would't be able to get to the platen. Also, it doesn't seem to create a dust when I type over on it.
Are you referring to the ribbon with black on top and white on bottom?
In my experience (maybe I have cheap stuff) but the white out tends to splatter not only on the platen but on the ribbon vibrator and fingers. It's messy.
To erase my mistakes, I use my NOS typing paper and use a regular pencil eraser. Very little shavings are left- if any. Typing paper can be expensive though, so I usually don't erase my mistakes and I just type over them.