I almost feel like I'm asking too many questions... But I do have a rather urgent problem. The Royal Portable (from 1929 I think) keeps tearing and ripping the ribbon whenever it types. None of my other ones do this. I don't know what the problem is, and I really don't feel like wasting ribbon everytime I use my typewriter.
Does it rip the ribbon from typing, or does it seem as if the ribbon is being pulled from the reels? What company made the ribbon that you are using?
No, the action of typing itself rips the ribbon. I can see the letter holes in the ribbon. And I'm using a universal ribbon currently,
It sounds like the ribbon is not advancing. In other words you're typing on ths same spot of the ribbon repeatedly until the slugs have blown a hole through it. Verify that the ribbon transport system is working. If it is, then it could be an issue with an overly hard platen. Try loading several sheets of paper at the same time and see if that helps at all.
The ribbon is advancing just fine. For I can see the hole imprints all in a row. I'll try loading two sheets of paper in
My '28 Royal Portable has the same problem, but the ribbon advances just fine. I think it is the platen that is causing issues, mine is very hard.
If the ribbon is advancing properly, then it's a combination of a hard platen, keystrokes that are too hard or a ribbon that is too delicate (old or poor quality).
I always use two sheets of paper. It's just something that I was taught in typing class.
Do you know who manufactured your ribbon?
No, I don't know who. All I know is that it came with another typewriter and it's a universal ribbon.