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If ALL of the typebars have this problem, then it seems more likely that the mechanisms I described are resposible. But if it is only a few of them, then gunk in the linkages of those particular bars seems more likely to be the cause.
ztyper wrote:
Hmmm... what might help is a good Dunk Cleaning. You say that there's tons of dust and whatnot in your machine, which means there's more in places one may not see. Uwe actually posted instructions under maintenence on this site, I would highly suggest looking at it. It may not solve your problem immediately, but it might help. However, if you're not up to the challenge yet, just keep doing what your doing. Oh, and here's a link to a diagram for basic typewriter parts And the segments is the piece of metal under the 'S' where the typebars go into. That's where you want to keep cleaning. I wish you the best of luck with your SM-4.
Thank you all. You've all been awesome. I think I'm going to like this forum. Not too many forums like this one for newbies. I do want to try the Dunk Cleaning method. I will look for that post. It's better than not trying at all and letting the problem persist. I will stay away from oil. Thank you ztyper. That link will come in handy. I just bought ink ribbons, two for $4.75 at . They also have deals like 5pk for $12.99.
Well, glad I could help. And that 5 pack will be great if you plan to use it a lot. Which the SM-4 is built for. Also, believe it or not, I used to be a noob at this too. About three months ago actually (wow, has it really been only that long...?). But good luck with your typewriter. I love the SM-4 and I know it will bring you years of happiness. (by the way, I actually think the 'S' without the red looks quite nice. So don't feel too bad about it. And nice white colour too)
beak wrote:
I have the same problem (typebars not quite reaching the paper) with one of my SG1s. As far as I can tell, the mechanism which prevents typing when you reach the right margin is not set correctly, but I can't see how to release or adjust it.
If the typebars are moving freely, then perhaps you too have the same problem that I do. Shall be investigating further when time permits, since the feeling is exactly the same as when the typebars are interrupted at the end of a line.
ALSO, there is a mechanism on some machines that prevents full movement of the typebars when the machine is in transit, and is assocciated with the carriage lock. It may be worth investigating these linkages too.
Old post, I know, but did you ever find out some hard data, beak? I recently purchased a 1935 Underwood Universal with some sticky keys. Pulled it apart, cleaned it, got all the keys working, reassembled it, and.....the keys are stuck after the end of every line. I'm guessing it's the right margin stop that's caught or something as you suggested. If I tip it backwards, usually it clears and I can resume typing, but that's not really the way to go. Anybody have tips either with margin stops or Universals in general?
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