Which self adhesive sheet did you use Malola? There are a few different ones available online and I'm not sure which to go for. Also, which way round did you assemble the mat? Which surface rests on your desk, and which surface is in contact with the typewriter please?
I got this one, and I assembled it so that it was stuck to the rubber underneath the carpet doormat, so the heavy stuff is directly on the table and your typewriter is sitting on the carpet. You should be able to get two mats out of this size of this rattle dampening stuff with careful portioning.
It seems like it is going to be hard to cut into shape, but all you need do is score it with a craft knife, and then put the scoreline over the edge of a table or bench and gently bend it down until it breaks aling the score line, then slice the backing paper with your knife. Be sure and position your two parts properly first time, it really is sticky!
Without trying to sound like an advert, I do sell genuine wool felt typewriter mats on my website for £15 INCLUDING UK postage ! This is about the same as Amazon, and it is not a work-around - it is the real thing !
I ordered a 2x3 of one of these in 1/3" thickness:
Cut it up into 6 mats. It works well, the rubber on the back keeps it from sliding on the desk and the felt cushions and dampens sound. It is very similar to the Jackalope typewriter pad I bought from Richard Polt. Price worked out to about $4/pad.
I wonder who the "indulgent blindfolded locals" were...
I have three mats: a thin old rubber-backed thing that came with a typewriter, a felted one that I made using multiple strands of wool and extra-large needles, and one from the Typewriter Man. Guess which one I like bezt!
I have recently stopped at a few carpet stores in town and asked if they had any carpet samples that they no longer use. They are the small samples with finished edges that are found in their books or on display racks for your selection. They are just about the perfect size and I prefer the shorter pile pieces.
It's not the same thing as a standard typewriter mat but it is a good substitute and it has a good sound deadening factor.
And you can usually talk them into giving them to you free.
Last edited by theoldman (16-9-2015 20:52:53)
during the holidays, store sell felt placemats that are pretty thick. you could probably double up on them for a nice 1/2" thick mat. my dad, who loves to collect IBM Selectrics, actually has a wool mat that's at least an 1" thick. i would love to find another one of those for my typewriters.
Typewriterlv wrote:
my dad, who loves to collect IBM Selectrics, actually has a wool mat that's at least an 1" thick. i would love to find another one of those for my typewriters.
They're available here in a wide range of sizes and even colours.
Beng honest though Uwe, that isn't a felt mat! IT's $150-worth of wnderful but very exensive thick felt. Bit of an outlay...