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02-2-2015 21:23:57  #1

Arrow discolouration

As I was cleaning my Royal Arrow with some laundry detergent and water, I noticed that after it dried, the paint on the typewriter turned from black to a brown.

Does anyone know a solution to this? I'm not sure if the color is black or brown now. Here's a comparison between the cleaned and not cleaned parts of the casing. The brown is what I cleaned.

A high schooler with a lot of typewriters. That's pretty much about it.

03-2-2015 00:03:51  #2

Re: Arrow discolouration

Why did you use laundry detergent? I have no idea what effect laundry detergent would have on paint - or the concentration you used - so it's hard to say. Does the detergent have bleach in it? Did you scrub the machine with the concoction? Maybe you've bleached the paint?

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

03-2-2015 17:13:54  #3

Re: Arrow discolouration

I used it because it was readily available at the time. And I couldn't find any dish soap. I didn't use a lot, maybe only about an ounce. It doesn't have bleach and I lightly scubbed it. There was some dirt that did come off, and when ever I clean it with water again, dirt still comes off. So it may just be dirt. I don't know, I just might paint the machine a deep red for the heck of it if I can remove the case.

A high schooler with a lot of typewriters. That's pretty much about it.
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