Hi everyone, I own a 1955 Smith Corona silent. Super, works great but I have just noticed today, when I do a carriage return, on occasion the carriage gets stuck at the left position, I try to type, only to have the keys hit in the same position with no carriage advancement . I Also try the space bar and it does not move the carriage, I have to use the carriage release to jar it slightly and we are back in business....anyone please help with solutions, or suggestions.....adjustments? If I do a carriage return gently it's good,but when u do it quickly we are stuck.... Thank you ahead of time....Joe
Last edited by Jb (09-2-2015 01:46:35)
Hi, Joe. I have a similar symptom with an S-C electric where it is not possible to return the carriage gently, so it sticks almost every time. With mine, the settable margin stop on the frame and the stop that moves with the carriage have gotten a little askew from each other so that instead of hitting each other solidly, they slide past each other and jam. It is tempting to just bend one or both so that they hit square, but they are very hard to reach to fit a tool on them and they are very tough to bend. I have not succeeded.
If your problem is the same, look for scratches on the stops and watch the mechanism working to confirm it. If you find an easy fix that does not involve dismantling the carriage, please let me know here.