I bought a Silverette II on whim a while back, my first typewriter. It's a great little machine (if rather noisy) but it seems to have been kept in warm conditions - the platen is solid. It's usable, but if anyone has a spare I'd appreciate it.
If you have any other rubber parts for the Silverette II, let me know as well, as I think pretty much all the rubber in this could do with replacing, but the platen's my main concern right now.
Have you tried using rubber rejuvinator spray? I use it to clean my platens, but it also helps to soften them a little.
I haven't, what kind of places sell it? Would a local hardware shop, or will I need to find a specialist?
I'd search online for who sells it in your area. I found a printing supply specialist in my area that stocks the stuff and buy it three cans at a time to make the trip across town worth my while.
Thanks. Should I remove the platen to use it? Or will it be okay left in the machine? Mainly because I have no faith in my ability to disassemble and reassemble a typewriter and have it function afterwards.
I just spray the solution on some paper towel and wipe down the platen as I'm turning it with my other hand. That way it gets on the feed and paper rollers as well. However, you should follow the specific manufacturer's instructions - and make sure that you don't get the rejuvinator on anything but the platen, which is why I spray it on paper towel first and not directly onto the platen. It also does a great job of cleaning White Out and other such products from the platen.