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11-4-2015 06:33:03  #11

Re: New Hermes Rocket, with new feet!

Very cool story retro! I have to say that the rocket is not my favorite to type on, even among the few typewriters I have aquired so far.  It's so cute and little though. I'm on the prowl for an Olympia sm (some number), in reasonable condition with a reasonable price tag. Oh, and maybe a Skyriter.

Kat, how were the feet on your baby?  Lol, I seem to be obsessed with feet.

Last edited by Spazmelda (11-4-2015 06:33:32)


12-4-2015 11:00:36  #12

Re: New Hermes Rocket, with new feet!

I have a little 1949 Baby that I like the feel of much more than this one - but alas the teeth are worn on the rail (or something) and it tends to suddenly just zip... it was the first typewriter that I ever took apart and fixed up, & I might just have another look at it to see if I know more now... it had had a hard life though.

Retro, you're right, the QWERTZ aspect is a thing - I've already typed a load of z's cvered with y's... but it's the only one I have, and I love all the German symbols. And funny we were both going for the same one! (I love Suffolk...)          

And Spazmelda, the feet are perfect!                                                                                              


12-4-2015 12:20:22  #13

Re: New Hermes Rocket, with new feet!

My Royal royalite was zipping to the end of the line.  I thought it was because of how I was putting it back in the case, but I took it apart and examined it, and a little thingie (I bet Uwe would tell me it's name is a pawl) that was supposed to catch  the star wheel thing was loose.  It would catch the wheel sometimes and then suddenly just let go and.... Ziiiiipppp right to the far side.  Tightening that up in the correct position fixed the problem.  I guess worn teeth would be more difficult to solve.

ETA: I'm glad the feet are in good shape.  Ironically, the feet on my 1926 Woodstock were in better condition than the ones on the rocket!

Last edited by Spazmelda (12-4-2015 12:22:51)

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13-4-2015 13:24:19  #14

Re: New Hermes Rocket, with new feet!

It seems to be luck of the draw, what goes and what doesn't. And thanks for that tip - the people who said the teeth must be gone were the now-discredited hipster repair shop and I'm willing to bet they didn't even look. I'll have a look because that machine types *beautifully* except for that one tiny detail!

I've just been having another go on the new one, and I think I just need to go a thorough clean etc - it seems clean already but the key action just feels so stiff and clattery that it MUST be possible to coax it a bit more...


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