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15-5-2015 23:05:40  #1

Platen on Royal QDL

I just received a Royal QDL today and although the paper will feed through the machine, I am concerned that I can see impressions of the keys on the platen.  Is the platen in need of repair/replacement?

Smith Premier typewriters are cool!

16-5-2015 06:53:42  #2

Re: Platen on Royal QDL

Are you able to post a picture? I'd imagine it would depend on how severe the damage is, which the more experienced guys could probably tell better from a picture.


16-5-2015 10:22:48  #3

Re: Platen on Royal QDL

Is the ribbon or the paper you're typing on sustaining any damage when you type? I personally wouldn't worry about it if your ribbon and paper are not being effected. Most people who don't know a thing about typewriters will actually play with a machines by typing without a sheet of paper loaded in the carriage. I cringe whenever I see this happening in an antique shop or flea market, but I've received dozens of machines with platens covered in type. Typically I just clean the platen with rejuvinator, use a fingernail to roughly guage its hardness, and then test the machine with fresh ribbon and a sheet of paper. And as frequently the platen is just fine.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

16-5-2015 12:33:43  #4

Re: Platen on Royal QDL

I don't think so.  I typed half a page on it after unpacking it yesterday after straightening and advancing the ribbon.  I will post a picture later today - I took one this morning.  Have to take care of household stuff this morning/afternoon.  Time to retrieve a cat from the groomer.  He got a bath and a shave.

Smith Premier typewriters are cool!
     Thread Starter

16-5-2015 12:40:57  #5

Re: Platen on Royal QDL

Take a picture of the cat too, lol.


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