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Portable Typewriters » Your Favorite Portable from the 1920s » 28-12-2024 10:26:10

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The 1920s was a big decade for portable typewriters. In a lot of ways, the technology came into its own during this time. Many big players worldwide entered the market, laying the groundwork for the mid-century machines we all know and love.

So here's a fun question for discussion:
Which machine is your personal favorite from this era (1920-29)?
Why do you like it?

Or, if you don't have a '20s portable, which one do you want to try the most?

Type Talk » Features You Can Not Do Without » 07-5-2021 09:30:35

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The first thing I check on a machine is that all the keys are there!
I prefer these features on my typewriters:
-Tabulator (hand-set at least)
-Line spacing selector (for double spacing)
-Paper bail or Paper fingers
-Paper scale
I agree with Uwe, I've found that the features you need depend most on what you plan on writing. I wouldn't use my simple portable to write a formatted final draft, but I don't absolutely need a desktop typewriter for first drafts or personal writing. In my (limited) experience, I haven't seen many typewriters with broken touch control.

Type Talk » What's your favorite Typewriter to type on? » 24-5-2020 19:55:06

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=17.94pxI’ll throw in my two cents. I keep a minimalist collection, so choosing favorites is relatively easy.  =17.94px-1920s Remington Portable=17.94px-1940s Remington Noiseless=17.94px-1950s Royal KMG =17.94pxEach of these machines have their own unique characteristics that endear them to me. I enjoy the “gear-lever” typebar and compactness of the Remington Portable, and it’s quite the fun machine to take on a trip. It took me a while to get warmed up to the oddball Noiseless mechanism and touch, but since then I’ve really gotten to like it. It’s fits in the larger portable range, bridging the gap between my Portable and my KMG.  =17.94pxAnd of course, there is the KMG itself. Now there’s a force to be reckoned with. She’s a solid typer, always present and ready on my desk. You just can’t kill that thing.  =17.94pxI don’t have one favorite machine; I love my three for their own special qualities. There not perfect by any stretch, but the get the job done, and make it fun at the same time.

Maintenance & Repairs » Carriage stops halfway along while typing. Ideas? » 31-10-2019 21:39:50

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I’m not an expert on repair, and my knowledge barely exceeds that of a basic layman, but I might be able to help out a little bit. Your problem sounds similar to an issue I had with my ‘27 Remington Portable when I first got it. It would type fine until I got about halfway across the page and then the carriage would stop completely. I poked around and discovered that the drawband had slipped off its track on the mainspring and had tangled around the screw that mounts the mainspring. Once I had reseated the drawband in its track (and the little guide pulley further along) that resolved the issue; I’ve not had any problems since then.

I’m not that knowledgeable on Portable 5 mechanics, but knowing Remington I would say the setup is probably similar -if not identical- to it’s 1920s predecessor. I hope this can help!

Type Talk » New Member Thread » 28-6-2019 08:42:47

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Hello! I think I might have gone off the deep end with my first post being the Maintenance &  Repair category, but hopefully I’ll still be able to swim back to shallower shores with a short introduction here.

My name is TypeSlug, the reference being to that all-important piece of metal which makes typing possible -and to the fact that I’m not the fastest typist on the planet. I’m a very young typewriter user that calls Northern Pennsylvania his home. I have always been fascinated by typewriters, though it wasn’t until 2015 that I was given my first machine, and even then, it took me a further 2 years before I even became aware of the fact that I might just be interested in collecting these things.

Since then I’ve slowly amassed a small collection of various typewriters, some working, some not. Given my circumstances, the collection will likely stay pretty small. Still, I’ve found that I quite enjoy the machines I have, and they’ve given the an interesting perspective into the vast world of mechanical devices. So in a very basic sense that’s me, and I’m glad to be a part of the Typewriter Talk community!

Maintenance & Repairs » Remington DeLuxe Noiseless Keyring Questions » 26-6-2019 09:09:09

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Hello, all. I'm rather new to this forum, so if I make any mistakes in terminology, or if this topic has indeed been discussed already, then please don't hesitate to correct me!

Now to "cut to the quick," I recently acquired a 1940 Remington DeLuxe Noiseless (one of the "1941 Line" machines) that is in pretty good condition. I cleaned it up, threw a new ribbon in it, and it types like a dream. However, I noticed that the gloss black paint on the keyrings appears to be rubbing off. Now, I knew this was a potential issue with these '41 Line machines, I've seen many pictures where the original keyring paint has almost entirely worn off. And one of the specific reasons why I bought this particular specimen is because the keyring paint is in such good condition -comparably few keys have any wear on them at all.

In response to this, I thought of applying a clear coat of some kind to give a protective layer to stop the paint from wearing off, and this is where I'm stuck. I'm not entirely sure about what the specific "composition" of the keys are. So, I pose my questions: does anyone know what type of paint Remington would have used on the keys back in 1940? Is it enamel paint? Oil based or water based? Finally, if I put on a clear coat, do I have to worry about damaging the key itself? For example, does anyone know if it is a paper insert covered by a glass (or celluloid) top?

If anyone has an idea on the makeup of these keys, or other suggestions on how to limit their wearing away, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you all in advance!

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