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Electric Typewriters » Olympia SGE D52 tabulator oddity? » Today 13:06:54 |
Pete E. wrote:
Does that Tab bar still allow you to go to various Tab stops ?
I can't say because I don't own this machine. I borrowed the photo from the classified ad. The machine's location is too far away from my place to have a quick look at it.
I would assume that it could be modified by someone after production and during use like your Royal Parade typewriter. I don't think Olympia would build a machine like this for sale. But why would someone modify a typewriter like this? Was there a damage that the machine was 'repaired' in that way? We may never know.
Portable Typewriters » 1949 Smith-Corona Sterlling... » Today 12:05:44 |
Have a nice 1949-made S-C Sterling on its way to our home. Should have it in a couple of weeks.
I have had my eye out for this colour combination...especially with the darker "nutmeg" colour of the space bar and the platen knobs.
In 1950 or so, that colour went to more of a "tan" colour...which is not as striking to my eye.
I think THIS colour combination on the part of Smith Corona is one of their best choices.
This will be only the 2nd. time I reach back to the 1940's to add a machine to my collection. Besides my 1947 Royal QDL...my collection is squarely in the 1950's to early 1980's.
I await delivery and another typewriter spa-day in Spring time in my garage & driveway.
Electric Typewriters » Olympia SGE D52 tabulator oddity? » Today 08:33:56 |
Does that Tab bar still allow you to go to various Tab stops ?
Maybe that is a spare space-bar from a SG3 machine ?
I picked up this 1960’s Royal Parade typewriter. When I started working on it, I found out the mechanical assembly from the Tab set/clear lever all the way back to the Tab rail had been removed by a previous owner. The set/clear lever was just wiggling and not connected to anything inside the machine.
Not wanting to buy another machine for parts, I removed the Tab set/clear lever on the left side and simply selected some Tab stops along the platen width to depress and then I glued them in place with epoxy glue along the Tab rail.
The Tab key-top on the right side was fully functional and now I have a nice little machine with “fixed” tab-stop every 8-10 spaces along the platen width.
Gave it some new colours as well, just for fun.
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Electric Typewriters » Olympia SGE D52 tabulator oddity? » Today 02:31:17 |
I discovered an Olympia SGE D52 in a German classified ad that has a white tab key or white tab bar (how to name it?), but no visible option to set or clear a tab stop. The white key uses the entire usual three tabulator function keys cutout of the typewriter's case without the normally present tab set/clear keys left and right of the tab key. It also does have no inscription like the usual arrow. Does it have any functionality at all?
For comparison here's a usual SGE D52 (different classified ad):
I find that somehow odd. Maybe the white tab key was later redesigned by someone. The key doesn't seem to have the concave surface of a normal tab key, but rather a convex surface, like normally found on a space bar. The key also seems to be the same length as the space bar.
This typewriter also doesn't have a paper feed lever. This is often omitted from cheaper models.
Does someone has more information about this kind of modification?
The World of Typewriters » Old Typewriter Repair Shops... » Yesterday 18:54:11 |
It's a shame that Tom did not have an apprentice ready to take over the business.
Paul Lundy was able to do that with Bob Montgomery at Bremerton Office Machines in WA State.
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