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Maintenance & Repairs » Type but carraige does not advance » 02-5-2020 10:06:40 |
On mine the problem is that as the coil builds up tension, it slips so i would have to take it apart and wind it up again. To make it better, there is a major part that sits in front of mine so i didn't feel like going that far.
I am sure the coil is like weed trimmer and i need to secure what the coil is hooked to.
Being i have the wide carraige, i tried if i put the paper far left (most tension) it has enough tension to move when i his the keys. if i put the paper middle or farther right, the coil is not strong enough.
I am keeping this typewriter kinda like the car collector - it runs but they never drive it. Being I don't plan to type anything on it, I would be happy if it worked flawlessly but better works pretty go to not work at all.
Maintenance & Repairs » Type but carraige does not advance » 01-5-2020 09:44:15 |
I finally got around to opening the typewriter. What i found is that every key pulls a bar. This bar pulls another bar which moves a piece which has 2 "stoppers". These stoppers are offset and whenthe stopper moves, it advances 1 space. Maybe the first bar kinda bent in so that the stopper does not move far enough. i bent the bar in a little and now it moves enough and the keys advance enough now.
While i fixed 1 part, i found another problem - the tension coil slips so that it doesn't build enough tension to pull the carraige when i get near the right side of the paper. :-( Being this means removeing a bar to get to the coil, i didn't feel up to it.
Maintenance & Repairs » Type but carraige does not advance » 22-2-2020 20:58:23 |
I have a Royale typewriter where when i press a key, it types but most of the time does not advance to the next character position. If i hit the key hard, some do advance. The left keys seem more likely to work.
I opened it to take a look. I found a piece that moves forward when u press a key and it shifts 1 character when this happens. I forget which piece it is that shifts or else what do i need to adjust??
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