Hei all,
I recently acquired an old Remington Model 10 sans spools (and ribbon) and would like to find out what kind I need to buy. If is isn't already apparent that I'm a complete rookie in all things typewriter, allow me to confirm that :D That being said, any help I could get with this would greatly appreciated! I really want to get this beautiful machine up and running. I can't wait to start typing away!
Thanks in advance for any help
I have a Remington model 10 that I am parting out. I'll see if I can get the spools out. They'll be a bit rusty, but should be usable. I'll get back to you after I mess with it (after I finish doing my taxes!)
Ok that'd be amazing! Private message me when it fits so we can haggle a price and stuff ;)
Hi Peter, welcome to the forum.
I've owned a Remington 10 and though I'm no expert, I know the incompatibility of modern spools with this particular flavour of machine, so in an attempt to help out, here's some info about re-spooling for your Remington (feel free to correct my inevitably erroneous knowledge, people).
As our esteemed forum-master Uwe suggested in the New Members thread, re-spooling is probably the best way to use a ribbon on your Remington. I'm not going to lie, re-spooling ribbons on a rusty Remington can be a nightmare if you're not used to it. But once you can clean up the machine, and get the hang of re-spooling, it's a breeze.
I don't have my Remington 10 anymore, but my Remington 12 has a similar design to your 10. In the picture below, you can see the spool locking mechanism goes inside a hole in the Remington's metal spool, making it impossible to use most ribbons with plastic spools on the market today. Here's a picture of my 12 compared with a generic "Fullmark" brand ribbon:
You have two options. Option 1: you can take a punt on "Remington-specific ribbons", which I believe are sold on Amazon and which have spools that are supposed to fit Remington models 10 through 17.
But treefaller has offered you his spools, meaning Option 2: re-spool a new ribbon.
Any new generic ribbon you buy will come with its own plastic spools, so if they don't fit in your Remington, which they probably won't, you'll need to detach the actual ribbon from the plastic spool (the one with the least amount of ribbon on it), and thread it into the Remington's metal spool. From memory of my Remington 10, if you install that spool in the typewriter, there should be a little crank handle to wind the rest of the ribbon on. Usually takes 2-4 minutes on my Remington 12.
Either way, the ribbon you're looking for is 13mm wide, otherwise called a Standard or International size ribbon. This is pretty much the only manual typewriter ribbon you can get nowadays, unless you go to one of those legendary specialist shops. I find eBay is cheapest and has the biggest selection of single-colour and bi-colour ribbons (there's usually black-and-red, black-and-black, and occasionally black-and-white on there), but my local office supply store sells all-black ribbons too.
Members like Uwe or beak can probably provide more accurate information, but that's as far as my knowledge goes I'm afraid .
Anyway, hope you enjoy the forums as much as I do. Have a nice day and let us know if you have any questions!
I buy Royal type "O" portable ribbons from the internet (in the U.S.) because I can get them at 10 for $25 now. And I almost always have to re-spool the ribbon and use the original typer spools. On many of my desk models they don't need the metal eyelet so I cut that off (although it did come in handy to have them when I re-spooled for my Underwood Noiseless Standard - the eyelet went into the center of the spindle and holds the end of the ribbon securely) I only buy all-black ribbons, of course. There's twice as much black ink that way, and I'm buying ribbons to use and not for show. I keep a couple of halfway decent red/black ribbons in my drawer in case I want to make an old typer look more "original".
I got those spools off this evening. I'll PM you, but here's a picture to refer to.
Do you want the large screw that holds the left-side spool on? It's at the top of this picture. I don't know if your machine has that included. It looks like the left side spool is intended to remain permanently. That's why there is a short canvas leader (which you can take off if you want to, it's just hooked with an arrowhead) and a screw holding it on the spindle.
First off, those look great! I actually like that they're a bit rusted because that means I get to put a bit of TLC in to them and get them looking fine again I guess I should take the screw as well. I'm not entirely sure and don't have the possibility to check as I write this reply so I'd rather be safe than sorry.