Greetings everybody!
I come to you, after searching the interwebz for a solution, with an intriguing question: My Olympia SM3 #1156361, german keyboard, moves back 2 letters when I use the backspace. I thought this was a Olympia thing until I bought another SM3 that doesn't do this double backspace gimmick, just a single letter as it should do.
I'm used to it now because of the "Ç" that has to be made with "C" + "," overlayed. But it's a little distracting this two-step operation.
I wonder if I'm missing a lever that controls this, a screw that's loose or it's a real "problem".
Hi there!
This topic: Olympia SM1 backspace malfunction , has the same "feature" present in mine, the double backspace.
So I think that this has some connection to what's happening to mine SM3, that there has some previous repair that caused this.
I have a SM1 that double backspaces. I would love to know the answer on how to fix this. I haven't tried in a while, but at the time I could never find the spot to adjust to limit the throw.
I have an SM9 with the same problem -- minor in the grand scheme of things. Not so big a deal to just hit the space bar to bring it to the desired point. All the same, advice about a fix would be welcome.